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Abstract: MillWheel is a framework for building low-latency data-processing applications that is widely used at Google. Users specify a directed computation graph and application code for individual nodes, and the system manages persistent state and the continuous flow of records, all within the envelope of the framework's fault-tolerance guarantees. This paper describes MillWheel's programming model as well as its implementation. The case study of a continuous anomaly detector in use at Google serves to motivate how many of MillWheel's features are used. MillWheel's programming model provides a notion of logical time, making it simple to write time-based aggregations. MillWheel was designed from the outset with fault tolerance and scalability in mind. In practice, we find that MillWheel's unique combination of scalability, fault tolerance, and a versatile programming model lends itself to a wide variety of problems at Google. #distributed-systems #stream-processing #toread #pub
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Naiad is a distributed system for executing data parallel, cyclic dataflow programs. It offers the high throughput of batch processors, the low latency of stream processors, and the ability to perform iterative and incremental computations. Although existing systems offer some of these features, applications that require all three have relied on multiple platforms, at the expense of efficiency, maintainability, and simplicity. Naiad resolves the complexities of combining these features in one framework. A new computational model, timely dataflow, underlies Naiad and captures opportunities for parallelism across a wide class of algorithms. This model enriches dataflow computation with timestamps that represent logical points in the computation and provide the basis for an efficient, lightweight coordination mechanism. We show that many powerful high-level programming models can be built on Naiad’s low-level primitives, enabling such diverse tasks as streaming data analysis, iterative machine learning, and interactive graph mining. Naiad outperforms specialized systems in their target application domains, and its unique features enable the development of new high-performance applications. #distributed-systems #stream-processing #toread #pub
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Source-agnostic distributed change data capture system. #distributed-systems #stream-processing #toread #pub
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