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Do you want your body to be hard enough to be able to resist any force being directed at it? Do you want your cars and your possessions to be unbreakable? You can obtain such qualities by having a superpower that grants you the ability to make objects unbreakable by touching them. Let's see what wil #kevin1230san

Liked: Timeline: What If Anything You Touch Becomes Unbreakable Do you want your body to be hard enough to be able to resist any force being directed at it? Do you want your cars and your possessions to be unbreakable? You can obtain such qualities by having a superpower that grants you the ability to make objects unbreakable by touching them. Let's see what will happen in such a scenario. DISCLAIMER: This probability/comparison is based on public data, surveys, public comments & discussions and approximate estimations that might be subjected to some degree of error. Subscribe to Infinite Comparison for more Probability Comparison/Comparison videos. Icons: via YouTube