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Continious AWS IAM Security Practices

#security #aws #p #postgres

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Inherited AWS Account best practices

#aws #p #security

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AWS Access Keys - A reference (Must Read)

#aws #security #p

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Advanced AWS Networking: Pitfalls That You Should Avoid

#aws #networking

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AWS Cloudformation retrying/rollback resources to a previous good state #aws #cloudformation #p

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AWS Organizations best practices! A must read!

#aws #security #p

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Save Costs on AWS!! Lovely trick, believe me worth a watch !

#p #aws #cost-optimization #savings

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Security Extension to check for AWS Credentials in JS

#aws #security #p

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List AWS Cloudwatch loggroup size with AWS CLI

aws logs describe-log-groups --query "logGroups[*].{LogGroup:logGroupName,VolumeSize:storedBytes,RetentionInDays:retentionInDays} | reverse(sort_by(@, &VolumeSize))" --output table --profile $profile --region $region

#aws #bash-productivity #p

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Combine multiple AWS IAM Polices into a single policy set. Useful if you need to deal with multiple AWS Policies (AWS/Local) #aws #iam #security #p

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Generate graphql based cloud inventory, cloud costing and security compliance querying with graphql data. #aws #security #p

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Transfer hosted zone between AWS Accounts

#aws #p

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Migrating Route53 records to a different account

#aws #p

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Postgres RDS Storage Autoscaling factors/considerations & limitations #postgres #databases

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Postgres SSL settings #postgres #security #databases

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Requiring an SSL connection to a PostgreSQL DB instance You can require that connections to your PostgreSQL DB instance use SSL by using the rds.force_ssl parameter. By default, the rds.force_ssl parameter is set to 0 (off). You can set the rds.force_ssl parameter to 1 (on) to require SSL for connections to your DB instance. Updating the rds.force_ssl parameter also sets the PostgreSQL ssl parameter to 1 (on) and modifies your DB instance's pg_hba.conf file to support the new SSL configuration. You can set the rds.force_ssl parameter value by updating the parameter group for your DB instance. If the parameter group for your DB instance isn't the default one, and the ssl parameter is already set to 1 when you set rds.force_ssl to 1, you don't need to reboot your DB instance. Otherwise, you must reboot your DB instance for the change to take effect. For more information on parameter groups, see Working with DB parameter groups.