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At Honeycomb, we dogfood everything: we try to solve all our own problems using our own service. And like any young company, we’re moving fast and uncovering plenty of new problems all the time. #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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Continued from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 1: The Long Tail. We recently released a new version of our API. As scarred veterans of building and supporting APIs, we made sure to retain backwards compatibility. Our code paths are versioned, but we’ve also versioned our docs to match. #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 3: End-to-end Failures. As Honeycomb matures, we try to roll out changes as smoothly as possible to minimize surprise on the part of our customers. #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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When we’re talking with people about how they should start using Honeycomb, many ask for guidance about what should go into an event. Though there are longer posts on this blog about what it means to be an event, this one is a “short” list of things to consider when you’re building events. #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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What should you log? When your systems break, it’s great to be able to look at what they were doing just before they broke. A log is a common solution. But hands up if you’ve come across a log that looks like this: #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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Observability-driven development requires both rich query capabilities and sufficient instrumentation in order to capture the nuances of developers’ intention and useful dimensions of cardinality. #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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Charity Majors Charity Majors is the co-founder and CTO of, provider of tools for engineering and DevOps teams to debug production systems faster and smarter. #from-pocket #itfttt #o11y #observability #pub
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