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"Sloth Sloth is a native Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running processes on your system. This makes it easy to inspect which apps are using which files and sockets. Features View all open files, directories, IP sockets, devices, Unix domain sockets and pipes Filter by name, access mode, volume, type, location, or using regular expressions Sort by name, process ID, user ID, process type, bundle identifier, etc. View IP socket status, protocol and version View sockets and pipes established between processes Inspection window with detailed macOS and Unix file/socket/process info Powerful contextual menu for file operations In-app authentication to run with root privileges Very fast, responsive native app written in Objective-C/Cocoa Sloth is essentially a friendly, exploratory GUI built on top of the lsof command line tool. The output is parsed and shown in a searchable, filterable outline view with all sorts of convenient additional functionality. See screenshots below." #mac_apps #%on_github #power_users #gui #best_of #geeky_users #%i_legit_use_this #gui_wrappers #get_around_app_limitations #open_source #toread #pub