How To Employ Bill Simmons
_Rofl - really...a Gawker site directly competing against the person they are talking about. lulz is an under-statement...except i was and am wrong. This was a pretty good article. Sorry!_
_Mentions Simmons isn't even sure who Grantland competes with. And ESPN never reveals Grantland's revenue, even to Simmons, etc.
Some stats (from the Quora post on Grantland's compete from 2011 or 2012, it is up more than 10x:
Unlike dollar figures, we do have good traffic data. These are February and March 2015 unique visitor numbers from comScore for Grantland and a few of its competitors—this is my classification of competitors, as Simmons said he isn’t sure who he is competing with:
SB Nation
The A.V. Club
Lol tho they don't put Bleacher Report's numbers here. SB Nation is a far cry from Bleacher Report prob...so this way Deadspin can be number 2? And AV Club thrown in there prob as a differential and having less traffic than Deadspin too. classic_
"Bill Simmons’s ESPN legacy is much bigger than his byline. Over the last six years, he has conceived of the acclaimed documentary series 30 for 30 and launched ESPN’s high-quality sports and entertainment offshoot, Grantland. Soon he won’t have either. But he’ll always have the thing he’s best at (and no, that’s not his writing), and what might just be his only truly marketable skill. Bill Simmons Is A Shitty Writer Bill Simmons Is A Shitty Writer Bill Simmons Is A Shitty Writer So last week, ESPN canned Bill Simmons. And now everyone’s doing the fun thing where we speculate… Read more"
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