DEVONthink To Go — The iPhone and iPad companion to DEVONthink and DEVONnote for Mac - DEVONtechnologies
Bought it..havent used it yet :P. Have been about to a few times, but need to set the syncing up and grok it. Prob won't take much time or anything...but the app still gets awful reviews. At least it seems to get at least one minor update each year...but some reviews say the app flat out still does not work. Assuming they are using recent iOS, Mac OS X, and DEVONThink [Pro [Office]] versions. And the latest DEVONthink To Go (1.5.8 from 2015-05)...hopefully it'll work for me :/
Learn more about DEVONthink To Go, the iOS companion to DEVONthink and DEVONnote.
Current app url page: https://itunes.apple.com/app/devonthink-to-go/id395722470
$15, but at least an update in 2015. Allows for older iOS versions. But has since its lifetime, always had weak reviews. "Current Version" of 5 reviews is 4 stars, but historicall it is 2.5 stars with 305 reviews. I'm sure it did get better, so it is a 3 start app. No android really sucks, but at least I can see basic stuff. I hope it is offline?
#pricey #apps #mobile_apps #organization #price:$15 #iOS #syncing #knowledge_bases #@to_buy #pub
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