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#SaaS #freemium #crawling #web_crawling #$kippt #fav_interests #fav_expertise #expertise #favs #references #dev #@to_go_through #pub
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"More than 400 books Business, psychology, self-help, and more. Everything you want to read about you’ll find in the Blinkist library. And with 40 new books every month, you’ll never run out of new things to learn."

~15 minute summaries for a number of books. Pretty interesting concept. #SaaS #trial #books #summaries #unique_spin #web_apps #mobile_apps #monthly #@to_try #reading #productivity #references #cliffnotes #learning #$kippt #$abstracts #pub
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#mental_contrasting #mindset #positive_thinking #productivity #psychology #strategies #systems #from:delicious #$kippt #$!moi-progress #GROW_model #inner_game #pub
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How hard it is to just get in the queue for an invite for Jeez. #torrents #sites #$kippt #sharing_lol #private_trackers #interviews #information #from #delicious #pub
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SaaS app to create surveys. Nice looking frontend site in terms of looking like any typical small time SaaS app in every way possible. Also trying to get a list of "polling_apps" $kippt style. This is the first one bookmarked with those tags. #ideas #copycopy #SaaS #freemium #monthly #simple #B2SB #surveys #web_tools #research #linkbait #polling_apps #$kippt #from #delicious #pub
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49 commits 2013-10-18 Active-ish 3 watchers; 35 stars; 20 forks "Ruby wrapper for phantomjs" Not sure how much of a wrapper this really is vs just sort of having to tell Ruby to run PhantomJS scripts and getting returns? Also, there is no way right now to add cli options aka the bread and butter I'd need, proxy, user agent, etc, support. Though perhaps things like user agent can be set later on, I really don't think proxies can. I could edit the code myself, of course. #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #pub
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15 commits 2012-06-30 Dead - by same developer as the previous phantomjs.rb gem which is newer and more popular. "A real headless "browser." It uses phantomjs and provides an API like a real browser does. Much like poltergeist but decoupled from capybara. At the heart of phantom-menace is a run loop inside the phantomjs script that makes it synchronous. It is perfect for scraping or doing any browser related tasks." Could look through the code and edit it to accommodate all the changes in the past three years (especially how much PhantomJS has matured), along with other things. Or just look through it for ideas, etc. #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #pub
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42 commits 2013-02-19 Dead - might be pointless "phantomjs webwalk with ruby" Well there's a phantomjs webdriver for Watir while this is using Selenium. Probably made before the official PhantomJS Watir webdriver was released. At best can be used to look through #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #pub
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11 commits 2014-10-09 Dead Technically this is what I was looking for. Wrapping Ruby methods around PhantomJS code (aka JS code). But this gem/library/code only got so far as a few commands. Good for looking at, at least. And this might be what will have me realize I should just use CasperJS for the crawling. #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #pub
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6 commits 2013-09-16 Dead "An interface with PhantomJS for Ruby." Need a name for this type of library/code/gem. Ruby is used to call a PhantomJS command. And you get the return. This one allows you to set CLI options though, which is good. #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #pub
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Getting tired. Haven't looked at this much, but seems like it isn't what I'd want. At best can look at as a reference if I am going to wrap JS library code around Ruby #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #pub
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3 commits 2013-08-13 Some of the info is in another language #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #casperjs #pub
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3 commits 2015-04-25 Uhm. Maybe this can help? Can't fully use this, it isn't a gem even, but for ideas. #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #*research #casperjs #pub
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7 commits 2013-05-20 This is useful for sure as a concept and working gem if using CasperJS. As this still has you using CasperJS, but just having Ruby send the JS scripts and getting the output back. However it hasn't been touched in 2 years and there is an issue by someone saying it doesn't work :( Description: "A simplistic, opinionated Ruby runner for CasperJS projects. Designed to hand JSON from the last line of STDOUT back to the user. Maybe someone else will find it useful, but I doubt it." #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #gems #*research #casperjs #pub
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PHP PhantomJS
"Feature List Load webpages through the PhantomJS headless browser View detailed response data including page content, headers, status code etc. Handle redirects View javascript console errors View detailed PhantomJS debuged information Save screen captures to local disk Set viewport size Define screen capture x, y, width and height parameters Delay page rendering for a specified time Execute PhantomJS with command line options Easily build and run custom PhantomJS scripts" #$kippt #dev #phantomjs #ruby #wrappers #pub
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