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Querulant - Wikipedia

"In the legal profession and courts, a querulant (from the Latin querulus - "complaining") is a person who obsessively feels wronged, particularly about minor causes of action." -- "The concept had, until 2004, disappeared from the psychiatric literature; largely because it had been misused to stigmatise the behavior of people seeking the resolution of valid grievances."


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I don't totally get this. Their international page says Slovenia doesn't work. But that might mean Slovenia to other places? This page makes it seem like it's possible. WAIT nevermind, you can't receive. #@@Karmen #sms #phone_numbers #pub #@spp #funsies #@@karmi-deux---texting-<3
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Pricing - Nexmo
Looking for Slovenia. Do you have to pay the 75 euro a month to use the stuff? Freakin crazy if so! BUt only service so far to actually offer it properly unless Twilio does too. #@@karmen #sms #phone_numbers #pub
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r/PublicFreakout: A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. #@@Karmen #pub
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Urban Dictionary: Saddy Daddy
Karmen says i’m saddy daddy :D #@@Karmen #funny #moi #pub
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nomen est omen - Wiktionary
#@@Karmen #pub
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#@@Karmen #rekt #america_bad #pub
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