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#interview_bootcamps #coaching #career #career_mentors #dev #startups #YC_funded #@to_try #$to_try #free #toread
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As if Miro and Obsidian had a baby. Organize and connect your atomic notes by using the Zettelkasten method. See all your thoughts in one place and share easily. #beta* #second_brain_note_taking #second_brains #@to_try #waitlists #note_taking #pub
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" Exercise your Brain Crowd-sourced code reviews on daily practice problems. Start Now Practice We give you a README and a test suite. You make the tests pass... but that's just the first step. The goal is to focus on expressive, readable code. Work locally in your usual environment using your usual tools. We have practice problems in Ruby, Elixir, JavaScript, and Clojure, and other languages are in the pipeline." #ideas #bootstrap_layout #geeky #code #@to_try #fun #dev #tutors #@Rayyan #learning #@@Cameron #pub
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Sadly, probably a dead on arrival app/site. Neat idea though #pua #logging #tracking #geeky #interesting #@to_try #communities #social_networks #niche #freemium #SaaS #iOS #bootstrap_layout #pub
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Competitor to it seems. Linked to from a comment on /r/nofap #habits #alternatives #web_apps #SaaS #free #@to_check_out #@to_try #streaks #pub
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"What is Huginn? Huginn is a system for building agents that perform automated tasks for you online. They can read the web, watch for events, and take actions on your behalf. Huginn's Agents create and consume events, propagating events along a directed event flow graph. Think of it as Yahoo! Pipes plus IFTTT on your own server. You always know who has your data. You do. the origin of the name This is just getting started, but here are some of the things that you can do right now with Huginn: Watch for air travel deals List terms you care about and receive emails when their occurrence on Twitter changes drastically. (For example, want to know when something interesting has happened in the world of Machine Learning? Huginn will watch the term "machine learning" on Twitter and tell you when there is a large spike.) Track the weather and get an email when it's going to rain (or snow) tomorrow Follow your project names on Twitter and get updates when people mention them Scrape websites and receive emails when they change Track your location over time" #geeky #productivity_fun #ifttt #agents #alternatives #automation #Ruby #@to_try #triggers #pipes #open_source #pub
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"More than 400 books Business, psychology, self-help, and more. Everything you want to read about you’ll find in the Blinkist library. And with 40 new books every month, you’ll never run out of new things to learn."

~15 minute summaries for a number of books. Pretty interesting concept. #SaaS #trial #books #summaries #unique_spin #web_apps #mobile_apps #monthly #@to_try #reading #productivity #references #cliffnotes #learning #$kippt #$abstracts #pub
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"Mojo Upgrade is an interactive sex questionnaire for couples. We present a list of sexual fantasies to both partners separately and have them indicate their level of interest. After the couple has finished the survey, we compare the answers. If you both gave a positive response to an activity, then we'll share it; if not, we don’t. That way if your partner is not game to watch midget porn with you, they won't know." #sex #relationships #quizzes #interesting #@to_try #@to_recommend #dating #from #delicious #pub
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#@to_try #ideas #pricey #copycopy #SaaS #@maybe #pub
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Home of 250+ Self-Growth Mind Maps #@to_try #$kippt #learning #$abstracts #pub
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Know More in Less Time. getAbstract is the world’s largest library of business book summaries, read in less than 10 minutes on your PC, smart phone or tablet. #learning #$abstracts #$kippt #@to_try #pub
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$25 one time initial credit because of Github student pack. Acquired by Pluralsight apparently #experts #subsidiary_sites #tutoring #revenue_model #dev #desktop_apps #ideas #help #!TO_TAG_bit_more #copy_later_ideas_maybe #mentoring #SaaS #student_pricing #@to_try #subsidiary_products #pub
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Seems like a pretty good app #$AFMA #SaaS #freemium #paid #monthly #user_management #authentication #$AFMA_umbrella #@to_look_at #@to_use #@to_try #pub
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Has raised almost $600M. Crazy. #dashboards #business_intelligence #analytics #enterprise #B2B #freemium #SaaS #@to_try #startups #funded #pub
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#dashboards #business_intelligence #analytics #enterprise #B2B #freemium #SaaS #@to_try #pub
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