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#topics #open_source #javascript #functional_programming #dev #@to_DT #references #kippt_lists #reactjs #lists #kippt:topics #pub
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Communicate with your customers, easier than ever With the omnichannel platform, Chatwoot makes it easy to communicate with your customers irrespective of where they are. #open_source #startups #YC_funded #best_of #customer_acquisition #customer_retainment #SaaS #alternatives #toread #pub
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Use the tools you know and the languages you love. Compile everything to WebAssembly. Run it on any OS or embed it into other languages. #YC_funded #startup #open_source #dev #unique_spin #best_of #toread #pub
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"Build desktop apps using Go & Web Technologies" "The traditional method of providing web interfaces to Go programs is via a built-in web server. Wails offers a different approach: it provides the ability to wrap both Go code and a web frontend into a single binary. The Wails cli makes this easy for you, by handling project creation, compilation and bundling. All you have to do is get creative!" "Use standard Go for the backend Use any frontend technology to build your UI Expose Go methods/functions to the frontend via a single bind command Uses native rendering engines - no embedded browser Shared events system Native file dialogs Powerful cli tool Multiplatform" "Your Backend is Go Write standard Go code, like you always have. If you have an existing Go application, it's easy to put an HTML frontend on it. Your Frontend is Anything Use any frontend technologies you like and call your Go code using Javascript. Your App is Awesome The Wails tooling generates your projects, builds both your frontend & backend and creates a single binary. Mac, Linux & Windows supported!" #electron_alternatives #Zoomers #maybe #interesting #open_source #toread #pub
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"Sloth Sloth is a native Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running processes on your system. This makes it easy to inspect which apps are using which files and sockets. Features View all open files, directories, IP sockets, devices, Unix domain sockets and pipes Filter by name, access mode, volume, type, location, or using regular expressions Sort by name, process ID, user ID, process type, bundle identifier, etc. View IP socket status, protocol and version View sockets and pipes established between processes Inspection window with detailed macOS and Unix file/socket/process info Powerful contextual menu for file operations In-app authentication to run with root privileges Very fast, responsive native app written in Objective-C/Cocoa Sloth is essentially a friendly, exploratory GUI built on top of the lsof command line tool. The output is parsed and shown in a searchable, filterable outline view with all sorts of convenient additional functionality. See screenshots below." #mac_apps #%on_github #power_users #gui #best_of #geeky_users #%i_legit_use_this #gui_wrappers #get_around_app_limitations #open_source #toread #pub
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Oh-My-Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your ZSH configuration. #%on_github #zsh #package_managers #shell #config_managers #add-ons #alternatives #zsh_plugins #extending #open_source #pub
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Introduction - Zinit Wiki
Zinit is some sort of continuation of ZPlug. The original repo was deleted. It allows 'Oh My Zsh' and 'Prezto' plugins. The other major ones are antibody, antigen, and one other I believe? So this covers quite a bit. #%on_github #zsh #package_managers #shell #add-ons #alternatives #open_source #extending #zsh_plugins #config_managers #pub
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#best_of #Zoomers #open_source #dev #matrix #comments #toread #pub
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A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. #pkm #second_brain #note_taking_apps #open_source #%on_github #pub
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"Gesture Control for Safari Svadilfari lets you control Safari with gestures. Try out a new web browsing experience on iPhone and iPad." #free #open_source #%on_github #iOS_safari_extensions #pub
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Cool! Includes iPadOS! Not iOS. #free #web_extensions #%on_github #web_extensions_including_safari #browser_extensions #open_source #iPadOS_safari_extensions #iOS_safari_extensions #pub
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Alternative to Ably, #real_time #epic_werk #Zoomers #dev #open_source #pub
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Simple and Secure Hosting for your Borg Repositories. Keep your backups safe with append-only mode, encryption and regular monitoring. From $2/month. #open_source #backups #freemium #paid #pub
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Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. #tailwind #tailwindcss #open_source #%from_github #UI #reactjs #vuejs #pub
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About Vico
Has Vi[m] bindings though doesn't actually work with any vim dot files.

Was open sourced after either not doing well enough or for whatever reason.

Sadly, it is mostly dead now. Last commit was in late 2014. Though at least issues and commits were happening a lot when it did become open. 3.5K+ commits. #textmate #mac #vim #dev #text_editors #alternatives #open_source #pub
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