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Steffen's method seems best and makes the most sense. Outside-in (window seat first, then middle, etc). But Steffen's method also accounts for having the non outside seat people to go by alternating rows. So people aren't sitting down in the same row or maybe even in the row closest to them. This way people don't have to wait on anyone who is putting their luggage up, etc #@luug #posted #@Bharat #pub
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Not actually that bad. Median rent in NYC rose 75% from 2000 to 2012 while rest of America went up 44%. This is median rent we are talking, so really the rise isn't that big of a deal when you take out certain parts of Manhattan and the trendy Brooklyn neighborhoods bordering Manhattan. And for home owners, the prices doubled so benefits there. #@luug #posted #@Bharat #pub
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