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Watch gremloe's clip titled "Gremloe with YouTuber FDSignifier — the state said it couldn’t until Covid to maintain capitalism"

#gremloe #status_quo #capitalism #clips #leftists #the-state #leftism #covid

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#GOAT #moi_comments #capitalism #contrary_to_moral_capitalist_bs_worship #politics #status_quo #toread
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#GOAT #moi_comments #politics #my_talking_points #status_quo #patterns_simple_neolibs #patterns_simple_incorrect_politics #patterns_so_confident_being_so_wrong #toread
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awful status quo circle jerk #patterns_insufferable_tech_douches* #bootlickers #EA #i_am_smart_patterns #patterns_i_am_righteous #circlejerk #status_quo #toread
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Ministers were asked if money earmarked for schools, hospitals and low-income families could be used to meet soaring fuel bills #eat_the_rich #status_quo #corruption #contrary_to_norms
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Catalyst is a journal of theory and strategy, published by Jacobin Foundation. $20 for first four issues for a year #via:pins #leftists #goat #freemium #editorials #scientific_papers #data #studies #status_quo #paid
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#casteingTheLowerClass #arguments_for #welfare #safety_nets #status_quo #leftist_arguments #studies #data
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Interesting. Profiles like this are silly right wing conspiracy leaning, behave like other right wingers. Post lots of politics. However they have no idea what basic concepts like socialism are. I’m not talking about know the exact meaning or various nuances. But to at least know mandating kids go to summer camp has nothing to do with socialism. They have zero overlap. Capitalism likely has greater overlap in the example given. #politics #understanding #ignorance #right_wingers #uniformed #status_quo #pub
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Sam Altman - Wikipedia
how some one can make one unsuccessful company. have it bailed out in a completely obvious corrupt way amongst elite friends. To then continue to fail upward without actually having any thing that can be seen as successful because of them. could this ever happen to a non white guy followed distantly by good looking, charming minority guy or white woman. #wiki_lies #failing_upward #status_quo #toread #pub
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“States' interests matter and should be explicitly represented at the state level. But we're not talking about the state level, we're talking about the federal level. Senators are there to represent the people of their state, and the fact that some people get vastly more representation than others is wrong. People should be as equal as possible for a given playing field. Funny how the people arguing that it's okay to do this to protect 'minorities' are never, ever okay with doing this for any other minorities. Give extra voting power to people in low pop states to shield them from the majority? Great! Give extra votes to black people, or Asians, or Muslims, or Jews? Uhhhhhh, no, no thank you.” #GOAT #rebuttal_of_norms #status_quo #toread #pub
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The Glenfiddich Richest25
Keeping the socioeconomic status quo in place with bullshit like this. #status_quo #worst_of #fuck_this #pub
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of course they are from Stanford and Yale #status_quo #patterns_neoliberals_masquerading_as_the_great_ones #patterns_neolibs_masquerading_as_anti_status_quo #elitism #neolib_elitism #toread #pub
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"Andersen Consulting's change of name proved to be fortuitous as it avoided the taint when Arthur Andersen was effectively dissolved as a result of its role in the later Enron scandal." Technically correct but disingenuous as the name was arguably primarily tainted due to the media and government scape goating Arthur Anderson. And the company was "effectively dissolved" because the government abused their power ala Megaupload and Kim Dot Com. Courts later recognized this but it was too late. #disingenuous #benevolent #butthurt #unfair #little_known #status_quo #BS #fucked_up #goliaths_screw_smaller #pub
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#self-righteous #hypocritical #deceptive #status_quo #SEO #Google #pub
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