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2007: $1.41B, 2010: $4.36B, 2014: $8.44B, 2017: $12.68B. INSANE! #money #revenue #growth #tech_giants #tech_companies #my_porn #charts #$my_porn_database #pub
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As Google nears 200 M&A deals since its YouTube acquisition back in 2006, we visualize the tech giant's top 10 acquisitions. #startups #acquisitions #lists #funding #valuations #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #google #tech_companies #tech_giants #silicon_valley #unicorns #toread #pub
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As Apple nears its its 100th M&A transaction since its acquisition of NeXT Computer in 1996, we visualize the Curpertino-based giant's top acquisitions. #startups #lists #valuations #acquisitions #funding #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #apple #tech_giants #tech_companies #silicon_valley #unicorns #toread #pub
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With Amazon on an M&A spree this year, we looked at its all-time largest deals in a visual timeline. #startups #lists #valuations #funding #acquisitions #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #amazon #tech_companies #tech_giants #silicon_valley #unicorns #toread #pub
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A look at Microsoft's acquisition activity, updated in real-time #startups #acquisitions #lists #microsoft #valuations #funding #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #tech_giants #tech_companies #unicorns #silicon_valley #toread #pub
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With the company's 2014 M&A pace being slightly ahead of its historical average and the company' focus on the cloud, we take a look at its historical acquisition activity. #startups #acquisitions #valuations #funding #lists #best_of #oracle #guiltypleasures #my_porn #tech_giants #tech_companies #unicorns #silicon_valley #toread #pub
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