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Hasan edits thread

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Hasanabi edits masterthread

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What Hasan has done to help thread

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"threadify.rb makes it stupid easy to process a bunch of data using 'n' worker threads" #ruby #threads #automation #badass #gems #pub
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"forkify.rb makes it easy to process a bunch of data using 'n' worker processes. It is based off of forkoff and threadify by Ara Howard. It aims to be safe to use on Ruby 1.8.6+ and Ruby 1.9.1+" #ruby #gems #threads #automation #badass #pub
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"June 24, 2009 I’m happy to announce the release of another tiny Ruby gem, Forkify. Forkify is basically Ara Howard’s Threadify (minus a few features), but instead of using threads, it uses fork to create multiple processes to perform the operations on an Enumerable type. It was born out of the desire to have the forkoff gem work on Ruby 1.9.1 (which it isn’t currently)." #ruby #gems #descriptions #introductions #threads #automation #badass #pub
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