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"One can also examine the Fells Acre Day Care Center, which found itself in the middle of a legal firestorm in 1984. The case started off slowly, but quickly gathered steam. One student accused his teacher, Gerald Amirault, with sexual abuse. He did not tell of sexual abuse until he was questioned by his mother and his uncle. He and his cousin had been playing a sexual charged game, which is why the adults felt the need to question the child. What started off as one accusation turnedinto Gerald being charged with raping nine children, while his mother and sister, who also worked at the daycare, were charged with crimes against four other children The incident...turned into a witch hunt. Police had an open meeting with parents, giving them warning signs of sexual abuse and instructing them to look for them in their children. One can usually find something if looking hard enough. If a child as much as wet the bed, it was because of sexual abuse at the hands of a teacher" #BS #corruption #laws #witch_hunts #status_quo #government #pub
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