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Let’s talk about blogging for dummies. Have you been thinking about starting a blog… but wondering if you’ve missed your chance? Maybe it seems like big-name bloggers have conquered all the best blogging niches out there. Or perhaps the technical side of blogging just seems so daunting.


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If you’re ready to take your blog to the next level, you’ll need real blogging goals in order to get you there. You want to create more than a part-time income, and you’re tired of relatively low traffic.


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When you write your first guest post, simply getting it published is a great achievement. But once you’ve got a bit of guest blogging experience under your belt, there are a few things you can do to get even more out of each new guest post that goes live.


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Content is still the pillar of all inbound marketing efforts. And in most cases, the foundation on which that pillar is built… is a blog. Here’s a collection of my picks for the most insightful blogging statistics you need to know in order to create successful content this year.


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If you’re interested in starting a blog you’ve probably thought about how to name a blog, right? It’s an important question to answer during this process. It’s estimated that there are over 500 million blogs on the internet.


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Trust me, I should know. I’ve learned first-hand how hard it can be to decide what to focus on as a blogger (and actually start a blog in the first place). That’s where the right blogging tips & advice (from the world’s most successful bloggers) comes into play here today.


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Finding your target audience and learning exactly how you can best help them, is the key to writing blog posts that actually solve the challenges of real people—and will show you how to rise above the competition in the long run.


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While many bloggers are able to somewhat quickly develop a sense for the fundamentals of what it takes to go from starting a blog to writing a useful blog post, most begin to struggle when it comes to finding and marketing to the right audience—let alone learning what it takes to bring those reade


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While I’ll be the first to tell you that creating highly impactful, useful content is the most important backbone of a successful blog, the bad news is that even if your content is truly the best in your niche—it won’t ever stand a chance at reaching your ideal readers… if you don’t learn


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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind.


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Now that we’re heading into 2022, a whopping 93% of online experiences start with a search engine, and for 92.04% of those users, Google is their search engine of choice. For many content creators, blog SEO sounds incredibly complex.


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Coming up with the best blog post ideas that’ll bring the right kind of readers to your blog is a challenge many bloggers, marketers and website owners face. But landing on the right blog post ideas doesn’t need to be so difficult.


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Here’s a chart that breaks down the pricing comparison of ConvertKit vs AWeber vs Mailchimp in 2021: (ConvertKit, AWeber and Mailchimp 2021 updated pricing comparison.


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It’s easy to hit publish on your website (or first blog post), kick back and wonder… where is everyone? If you want proven strategies for how to drive traffic to your blog—or company website—then you’ve come to the right place.


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The blogging tools and techniques at the disposal of marketers today are constantly evolving—which has caused some to lose interest in email. But the latest data is crystal clear: email is here to stay. The number of email users is predicted to grow from 3.7 billion to 4.1 billion users by 2021.


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Back in 2014 when I first started my blog, I didn’t have a clue about how to make money blogging, let alone how much money was even possible to make from a blog.


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Without wasting any more time, let’s jump straight in. There’s one big point in the definition of a blog here that I’d like to point out—a blog is regularly updated. We’ll get to why that’s so important in a minute.


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Based on my own experience learning how to write an eBook (and selling those eBooks) both here on my own blog for the past 8+ years to an audience of 500,000 monthly readers—and as a hired consultant for brands like Adobe, Zendesk, Gusto & Close… this is my ultimate guide about how to write an e


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When it comes to blogging, there are quite a few different ways to learn, ranging from content on other blogs (like mine), online blogging courses, video tutorials, conferences and more. One format that many overlook, is blogging books.


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One of the questions I’m often asked by readers, is how to pick a blog niche. A blog niche is a carefully selected topic area that you’ll be focusing your blog content around.


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So why month-to-month hosting plans? Is monthly hosting all it’s cracked up to be?


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Learning how to make a website is something that’s gotten much easier over the years. And it’s never been cheaper & faster to do, than it is today.


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If you choose the right website builder, creating your website isn’t difficult at all. And you won’t even need to learn how to code with these options.


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In nearly a decade of experience since I originally started blogging, I’ve tested and used dozens of different WordPress themes (that require no code) across multiple blogs for a variety of purposes.


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