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A typical advertising campaign may be a one-off experience with a particular publisher, website or network. When you advertise on search engines or through display ads, you focus more on the ad inventory than on the relationship between publisher and audience.

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LinkedIn is not only a professional network to remain connected to your contacts but it also offers great possibilities for businesses to benefit their strategy – if used correctly. Its popularity is unbroken: LinkedIn could recently unveil that the network has 500 million active users worldwide.

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For all business peeps and especially B2B marketers like myself, LinkedIn can be a highly effective social media channel. Frankly speaking, we all have a hard time finding the right people at the right time - which does not get easier with GDPR in place.

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Creating a social media report is a long-lasting and difficult task, which involves a lot of different aspects and certainly a lot of testing. Therefore, it’s not easy to create the perfect social media report right from the start of your journey. But how do you set up a rock-solid report?

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When comparing different Social Media Analytics tools, it’s easy to get lost in the jungle of possibilities. For newcomers, it is especially hard to know what features to expect of a social media analytics tool. A lot of questions need to be answered before buying such a software.

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As a content manager, we all know that posting videos instead of images on social media can be more efficient as it helps the audience memorize the content shared by the brand.

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At the beginning of your digital marketing journey, your main focus lies in the creation of content, pitching your well-crafted articles to other blogs or trying out new methods on the different social media networks.

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You want your Instagram content to convert. No wonder: With more than 200 million Instagram users visiting at least one business profile daily, and with 73% of them saying that Instagram is the best way for brands to reach them, you can't miss such a vast audience. Right?

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