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Every business owner, blogger and online seller who has ever started a website blog has surely faced the challenge of gaining readership for his or her content. Attracting readers to your blog is both an art and a science.

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PERSUASION - a highly desirable skill but an elusive concept to many - is as much an art as it is a science. Winning over the minds and hearts of consumers can be a daunting task without the know-how.

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When you have a blog or website, you live and breathe traffic – the more, the merrier. In this post, I’m going to cover 12 things you can do to help increase traffic to your website within 30 days.

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It’s no news that information overload is a real problem, both for online users and content creators. Everyone wants to get their message in front of an audience, but users simply don’t have enough time in the day to read every post, tweet, email and piece of content that crosses their paths.

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You’ve probably already heard by now that visual content is a must for your content marketing strategy, no matter what industry you’re in. This year, brand publishers everywhere are looking to create more visually appealing content in line with a more aggressive content marketing strategy.

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Long ago, storytellers were wise old men and women who conveyed tales of the ancients and lessons learned through the ages. Later, stories were told by authors, playwrights and directors. But thanks to technology, anyone can now become a storyteller, a reporter and a publisher.

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The Web is quickly becoming the land of visual stories, but when it comes to digital marketing, Google is still king. Every publisher, blogger and web designer hopes to become a trending topic, but the Internet is a vast wasteland filled with more than a billion websites.

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Most social media marketing efforts focus on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. We’ll call them the Big 4, and for good reason. An astounding 62 percent of the entire adult population uses Facebook -- that’s 1.86 billion active users each month.

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GrowthHackers, the term “growth hacker” describes entrepreneurs and marketers who rapidly test a variety of strategies to increase conversion rates, like creating a landing page.

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In previous articles, we’ve talked about emoji marketing and GIF marketing. To round it all up, we will now look at how to choose the best memes for your online marketing efforts.

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Link building is one of the toughest SEO disciplines going. Anyone who tells you otherwise either isn’t hands-on when it comes to the actual process or is using outdated methods and link building tools that are likely to be of little or no value.

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Instagram needs no introduction. According to one recent estimate, over 500 million people are active on Instagram every single day. For perspective, that’s almost double the population of the United States.

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Want to make your product stand out? Then you need to use visuals that make it pop.

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With infographics, you can emphasize or illustrate points in your blog posts while also making a greater impact on your readers. Although people might not necessarily be too apt to read a wall of text, they will look at an image.

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What does it mean to be visually loyal on social media? Every social media network has a visually loyal audience – basically, people who love consuming content in different visual formats. 

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The relationship between customer interaction and technology is stronger than ever, and web design is set to play a critical role in fortifying this bond.   Unfortunately, many marketers cut corners with website design and development, when these tactics should be among their top priorities.

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The demand for content marketing services is on the rise.  With all that noise out there, how can you know what’s true and what’s not?  In this quick guide, I’m going to give you 8 actionable content marketing tips to help you succeed with your content marketing efforts.

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It’s pretty much a given that if you have a SaaS product, content marketing will play a role in your overall marketing strategy. That said, content marketing has shifted dramatically over the years. It’s no longer as easy as writing a few good articles and driving tons of traffic to your site.

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Designing your own website seems like an impossible task. But with the right tools, tips and visual resources, you can absolutely accomplish it. This is why we’ve put together a quick step-by-step tutorial to show you how to design a website.

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Beautiful Instagram Story design is the key to creating more engagement and delighting your followers. If you want to take your Instagram Story design to the next level, increase your reach, and drive traffic to your social media presence you’re in the right place.  

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While recently browsing the Playstation Network Store, I stumbled across a game called Stranded Deep. I don’t know about you, this is probably a unique fantasy I have, but I’ve always wondered what it would be like to find myself deserted on a remote tropical island.

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Review marketing is vital to the continued success of every business. Customer reviews are the valuable social proof needed by those looking to finalize purchase decisions based on experience from previous customers. 

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Whether you’re looking to convince your team about investing in content marketing or working to show off some awesome results of your hard work, there’s nothing that a good roundup of content marketing statistics can’t do.

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Investing the time to upgrade your ad design quality is one of the best ways to increase your marketing performance. In this post, I’ve collected 8 tips that you can integrate into your creation process starting today. 

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The app-building process consists of various critical steps like wireframing, MVP development, designing, development, testing, marketing and many others. Although all of these require tremendous focus, app design will be our focus for now.

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