Public Notes
Long Tail and AEP, Expanding the experience
Documenting page of the webservices utilising musicmapper software to generate cool, new, usefull and real-time stats
"The long and short tail are the percentage of the total amount of tracks played that fall outside and respectivly inside the cummulative tracks played for the top-n rated artists. The short tail is exactly the oposite.
If that's to much to grasp at once: To calculate the Long Tail you take a user's Top50. Calculate the sum of all the playcounts in there. Then divide it by the total amount of tracks played as listed in the user description area. Multiply it by a hundred to get a percentage. Substract it from a hundred to get the short tail. Based on a idea by itazurada.
AEP is the is the brainchild of C26000, he wrote a nice journal about AEP calculation."
#web_tools #data #linkbait #analysis #tools #music #fun #ideas #pub
Show More in time, Expanding the experience
"he other day I was looking at the audioscrobbler (the core, the data supply of web services for interesting feeds and I saw the week chart feeds. I noticed that they provide a list of all available weeks and quickly realized that you could combine this with the Top50 feed to reconstruct older Top50's. Just subtract an artists play count from next week's total play count and you have the current total play count.
So I went to work and produced code to perform different task. Collect the Top50, collect all week stats, compare the two and reconstruct a history. This was going goooood. Yeah. Then I took a pencil and made a drawing of what the chart should look like and I loved it. So I created the greatest spaghetti of variables I'd ever seen and uploaded the new script. It was just shock and awe! Except for a syntax error or two It all worked and the output was just as I'd hoped it'd be, except that... The 50 black lines in this tiny little graph were just such a mess, you could never make up what was what. Damn (that spaghetti again)!
I went back to work and added many features, a lot of color to the lines, auto scaling (1px = 1play), a legend in the color of the line and a line that connects the chart-line to the legend and a function to unclutter the legend for artist with the same or almost the same play count (which in turn made the lines harder to interpret but being able to read the legend outweighs clear lines :-P though I'm still looking to solve this...)"
#web_tools #data #linkbait #tools #music #fun #analysis #ideas #pub
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Shikaka Stats -
Random stats like playcount, unique tracks, averages for different time periods, top periods of various times, most consecutive tracks/artists, total play time. And the pic they provide gets auto updated too.
#web_tools #data #analysis #tools #music #fun #linkbait #stats #ideas #favs #pub
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Extra Stats ftw! – Group at
Extra Stats ftw! group has 1448 members at Connected artists include Millencolin, Wilmer X, Torsson. Followers of the shikaka extra stats site:
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Shikaka Stats | skinny_much
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The Matchup Community
A discussion forum for members of the Matchup community to interact and share experiences and ideas about activity trackers, smart watches, and getting fit.
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CoderStats - Statistics for Open Source Coders
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Fantasy Tools |
Welp, sports-reference has finally added fantasy. Makes sense.
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