Liked on YouTube. | Title: Andrew Schulz GOES OFF On Hasan | Hasanabi reacts ft. Joe Rogan. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #andrewschulz #flagrant #joerogan
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.
Tags: hasanabi, hasanabi clips, highlights, hasan piker, hasan, twitch, drama, react, hasanabi reacts, HasanAbi, hasanabi productions, Hasanabi reacts, news, politics, hasanabi highlights, livestream, lsf, funny twitch clips, streamer, twitch streamer, tyt, stand up comedy, hasanabi stand up, joe rogan, joe rogan andrew schulz, comedian destroys heckler, jre, hasanabi joe rogan, andrew schulz, hasanabi andrew schulz, flagrant, andrew schulz stand up, akaash singh, hasan flagrant, hasanabi flagrant, hasan andrew schulz, flagrant podcast, hasan flagrant podcast, hasanabi flagrant podcast, hasan joe rogan, jre, andrew schulz joe rogan
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: November 16, 2023 at 11:00AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: The TRUTH About Israel | Hasanabi reacts ft. BoyBoy & Abby Martin. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin:
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #boyboy #twitter #abbymartin
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community. This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: November 3, 2023 at 12:30PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Phones, Cobalt Mining, and America Outsourcing Guilt | hasanabi Reacts to PowerfulJRE. | Description: Phones, Cobalt Mining, and America Outsourcing Guilt
Ways to find HasanAbi:
#Hasanabi Piker #
#HasanAbi Reacts #
#HasanAbi #
#reacts #HasanAbi # HasanPiker#
#Piker #
#HasanAbi Daily Reactions#
#reacts #HasanAbi #HasanPiker #twitch #tiktok #incel. | Published at: October 27, 2023 at 08:45PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: former israeil PM Yair Lapid address to global media | hasanabi reacts. | Description: former israeil PM Yair Lapid address to global media | hasanabi reacts
Hamas releases two Israelis held hostage in Gaza Why Israel Is Pissed | HasanAbi Reacts
Why Israel Is FURIOUS That Hamas Released A Hostage | Hasanabi Reacts
Ways to find HasanAbi:
hasanAbi react |
hasanAbi react |
hasanAbi react#
#Hasanabi Piker #
#HasanAbi Reacts #
#HasanAbi #
#reacts #HasanAbi # HasanPiker#
#Piker #
#HasanAbi Daily Reactions#
#reacts #HasanAbi #HasanPiker #twitch #tiktok #incel
Hasan Piker (Hasanabi) is a Twitch streamer, leftist political commentator, and podcaster. He streams everyday, posts highlights on his Youtube and TikTok, does Leftovers (H3 Podcast) with Ethan Klein (h3h3Productions) and Fear& Podcast with Will Neff. His streams consist of news coverage, reaction content, and gaming. Hasan frequently reacts to Joe Rogan (JRE), Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, Vice, JCS - Criminal Psychology, Jubilee, Debates and TikToks. He often collaborates with other streamers like xQc, Ludwig, Valkyrae, QTCinderella, Pokimane, Austin Show, Myth, and OfflineTV. not hasan minhaj. not john oliver.. | Published at: October 25, 2023 at 09:15AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Red Pill TikTok is Insane | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: Hasanabi Reacts to Red Pill MRA TikToks at
Hasan Piker (Hasanabi) is a Twitch streamer, leftist political commentator, and podcaster. He streams everyday, posts stream highlights on his Youtube, does Leftovers (H3 Podcast) with h3h3Productions and Fear& Podcast with Will Neff. His streams consist of news coverage, reaction content, and gaming. Hasan frequently reacts to Joe Rogan (JRE), Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, Vice, Channel 5 (All Gas No Breaks), JCS - Criminal Psychology, Jubilee, and a revolving door of (bad) reality shows like MasterChef, 90 Day Fiancé, and The Moment of Truth. He often collaborates with other streamers like xQcOW, Mizkif, Ludwig, Pokimane, Austin Show, Myth, OTK, and OfflineTV. not hasan minhaj. not john oliver.
#hasanabi #reacts #tiktok. | Published at: August 13, 2022 at 06:11PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Matt Walsh goes on RACIST Rant | HasanAbi Reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #stevencrowder #mattwalsh #twitter #benshapiro
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community. This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: May 24, 2023 at 11:00AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Piers Morgan DEBATES Bassem Youssef On Israel & Palestine | Hasanabi Reacts to Uncensored. | Description: Hasan Piker reacts to the "Jon Stewart of Egypt" Bassem Youssef absolutely clowning on Piers Morgan when discussing the current conflict in Israel & Palestine!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Discussion Video:
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #piersmorgan #bassemyoussef #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: October 17, 2023 at 08:26PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Hasan Piker Reacts to His Own Interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored! | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: Hasan covers the interview from his perspective and shares his experience from having gone on Piers's show and recaps how he felt about the whole thing!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Interview Video:
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #piersmorgan #hasanpiker #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: October 21, 2023 at 09:34PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Hasan's SHOCKING Experience On Live TV | Hasanabi reacts to His Creepy BBC Interview. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? or
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #twitter #bbc
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, clips, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, twitter, isreal attack, palestine and isreal, palestine, hasanabi isreal, hamas attack, isreal palestine war, isreael palestine conflict, gaza attack, gaza strip, hasan palestine, al-Ahli Hospital, israel hospital attack, gaza hospital, Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, bbc news hasanabi, hasanabi interview, hasanabi debate, hasanabi bbc news, bbc news hasan piker, hasan piers morgan, hasanabi piers morgan, hasan piers morgan interview, hasanabi piers morgan interview
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: October 22, 2023 at 11:23AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Ben Shapiro Gets DESTROYED By Egyptian Jon Stewart | Hasanabi reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #jonstewart #twitter #benshapiro #piersmorgan #bassemyoussef
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, hogwatch, hasan hogwatch, hasanabi hogwatch, hasan piker hogwatch, hog watch, hasan hog watch, trump, hasan trump, hasanabi trump, hasan piker trump, trump indictment, trump georgia, trump georgia case, trump georgia indictment, trumps fourth indictment, trump hogwatch, tiktok cringe, conservative tiktok, hasan tiktok, hogtok, chuds of tiktok, hasan aoc, hasanabi aoc, hasan piker aoc, hasan reactions, libsoftiktok, hasanabi tiktok, hasanabi tiktok react, ben shapiro, libsoftiktok reaction, hasanabi jubilee, hasanabi aoc, aoc, politics, hasan ben shapiro, hasan steven crowder, hasan aoc, hasanabi matt walsh, hasan matt walsh, matt walsh, matt walsh what is a woman, comedy, hasan joe rogan, hasanabi joe rogan, joe rogan, jon stewart, hasanabi jon stewart, jordan peterson, hasanabi jordan peterson, politics, hasan matt walsh, hasan ben shapiro, hasan joe rogan, jre, joe rogan, hasan reactions, jon stewart israel, jon stewart palestine, jon stewart daily show, daily show, hasan daily show, jon stewart ben shapiro, hasan jon stewart ben shapiro, hasanabi jon stewart ben shapiro, hasan bassem youssef, hasanabi bassem youssef, piers morgan bassem youssef, hasan piers morgan, hasanabi piers morgan
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: October 21, 2023 at 11:48AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Debunking TikTok Propaganda | Hasanabi Reacts to Amy Schumer. | Description: Hasan breaks down each piece of the viral instagram post and exposes each part for being misleading or downright lying!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #TikTok #amyschumer #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: October 18, 2023 at 09:14PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Amy Schumer Made A HUGE MISTAKE | Hasanabi reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #twitter #benshapiro #amyschumer
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, hogwatch, hasan hogwatch, hasanabi hogwatch, hasan piker hogwatch, hog watch, hasan hog watch, trump, hasan trump, hasanabi trump, hasan piker trump, trump indictment, trump georgia, trump georgia case, trump georgia indictment, trumps fourth indictment, trump hogwatch, tiktok cringe, conservative tiktok, hasan tiktok, hogtok, chuds of tiktok, hasan aoc, hasanabi aoc, hasan piker aoc, hasan reactions, libsoftiktok, hasanabi tiktok, hasanabi tiktok react, ben shapiro, libsoftiktok reaction, hasanabi jubilee, hasanabi aoc, aoc, politics, hasan ben shapiro, hasan steven crowder, hasan aoc, hasanabi matt walsh, hasan matt walsh, matt walsh, matt walsh what is a woman, comedy, hasan joe rogan, hasanabi joe rogan, joe rogan, jon stewart, hasanabi jon stewart, jordan peterson, hasanabi jordan peterson, politics, hasan matt walsh, hasan ben shapiro, hasan joe rogan, jre, joe rogan, hasan reactions, jon stewart israel, jon stewart palestine, jon stewart daily show, daily show, hasan daily show, hasan amy schumer, hasanabi amy schumer, amy schumer israel, hasanabi amy schumer israel, hasan cenk ugyur, hasanabi cenk uygur, amy schumer comedy, amy schumer comedy special, amy schumer oscars
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: October 18, 2023 at 11:50AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Conan EXPOSES Extremists In Netanyahu's Home Town | Hasanabi reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #billmaher #conan #stevencrowder #twitter
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, hasanabi steven crowder, steven crowder, steven crowder divorce, crowder wife, highlights, bill maher, maher, hasan bill maher, bill maher hasanabi, bill maher real time, bill maher interview, hasanabi palestine, hasanabi israel, hasan reacts, hasan conan, hasanabi conan, conan
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: October 10, 2023 at 10:56AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Hasanabi Reacts to Michigan School Shooting. | Description: Subscribe and Like for Daily Clips & Reactions!
Source Videos:
Other ways to find Hasan:
#hasanabi #reacts #MichiganShooting #HasanReactions #Parents #EthanCrumbley
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He often reacts to both political news and entertainment content. He occasionally goes on IRL adventures with the likes of Ludwig, TinaKitten, Sykkuno, Pokimane, xQc, and many others. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, WWE, Ben Shapiro, trending twitter posts, and other creative videos. He also co-hosts a podcast, Leftovers, with Ethan Klein of H3H3 fame. He even sometimes plays games like GTA 5 and Dark Souls, and whatever excites him on the PS5, Switch, or PC side of gaming.. | Published at: December 6, 2021 at 03:30PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Ben Shapiro CALLED OUT By His Own Fans | Hasanabi reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #benshapiro #twitter #facts
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community. This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, matt walsh, matt walsh twitter, hasanabi matt walsh, hasanabi matt walsh joe rogan, hasanabi joe rogan, joe rogan, jre, hasan matt walsh, hasan reacts, matt walsh owned, matt walsh hacked, sam seder matt walsh, emma vigeland, emma vigeland matt walsh, sam seder, matt walsh what is a woman, matt walsh leaks, hasan reactions, majority reports, majority report matt walsh, matt walsh tiktok, hasan tiktok, hasanabi tiktok, hasan ben shapiro, hasanabi ben shapiro, hasan piers morgan, hasanabi piers morgan, ben shapiro piers morgan, hasan ben shapiro piers morgan, hasanabi ben shapiro piers morgan, ben shapiro, piers morgan, ben shapiro wife, hasan ben shapiro wife, hasanabi ben shapiro wife
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: September 30, 2023 at 11:00AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: DEADLY SHOOTING OVER PRIDE FLAG !! | HasanAbi reacts. | Description: Hasan reacts to a southern California clothing store owner that was shot and killed after an argument about a rainbow Pride flag hanging outside her business, police said, as the LGBTQ+ community continues to face violence and threats across America.
Find Hasan Live at:
If you like HASAN, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
#hasanabi #rondesantis #benshapiro #benshapirolecture #hasanpiker #hasanreactions #reacts #woke #wokecompanies #law #dailywire #hasanabiclipsindustrialcomplex #pride #pridemonth #foxnews #thebenshapiroshow #pride #pridemonth #pridemonth2023 #prideflag #southerncalifornia #lauraannameninggal #lauraann #cnn #cnnnews #cnnnewslive #cnn
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Channel 5, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: August 23, 2023 at 12:36PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: The Tragic Tale of JustPearlyThings | Hasanabi Reacts to j aubrey (MASSIVE STUNLOCK). | Description: Hasan reacts for a FULL 4 hours on an insane video covering Just Pearly Things and her crazy social media arc as detailed by the great j aubrey! This might be Hasan's longest stunlock ever!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Discussion Video:
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #jaubrey #justpearlythings #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: September 23, 2023 at 10:46PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Ben Shapiro Is WRONG For 81 Minutes | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: Hasan reacts to Ben Shabibo being laughably wrong on every single point he brings up and spends over an hour roasting Ben!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Discussion Video:
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #benshapiro #pharma #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: August 30, 2023 at 06:56PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Union President Just "Totally Outsmarted" The Big 3 CEOs | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: Hasan reacts to UAW president, Shawn Fain, pulling a fast one and completely shocking the Big Car CEOs who had no idea what he would do with the strike!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Discussion Video:
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #Union #Strike #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: September 18, 2023 at 11:29PM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Hasan DESTROYS Matt Taibbi in Debate on Elon Musk | Hasanabi reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
Hasan debates Matt Taibbi on the 'Twitter Files' and Elon Musk:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #elonmusk #twitter #matttaibbi
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, elon musk, elon musk twitter, elon,twitter, joe rogan, joe rogan elon musk, mehdi hasan, hasanabi elon musk, matt taibbi mehdi hasan, matt taibbi, hasanabi joe rogan, joe rogan twitter, hasan elon musk, hasan matt taibbi, hasanabi mehdi hasan, elon musk trump, elon musk matt taibbi, twitter substack
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: September 2, 2023 at 11:30AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: When Contests Go Horribly Wrong | Hasanabi Reacts to amglimpse. | Description: Hasan reacts to a mini-documentary covering some of the most insane and infuriating contests that have gone wrong in quite ridiculous ways!
Edited By:
Intro Animation By:
Outro Animation By:
Music Composition By:
(Yes, right now it's just me making everything)
Editor's Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan's streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan's point of view.
If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you :)
Discussion Video:
Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.
Find Hasan Live at:
#hasanabi #amglimpse #documentary #HasanReactions #reacts
About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can't Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.. | Published at: September 3, 2023 at 09:00AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
Liked on YouTube. | Title: Ben Shapiro GOES OFF on Hot Law Student | Hasanabi reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video!
Want to help keep my editing engine running? Buy me a coffee!
HasanAbi's Live Stream:
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected]
#hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #benshapiro #piersmorgan #twitter
Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community. This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.
Tags: HasanAbi, hasanabi clips, hasanabi highlights, streamers, twitch, best of hasanabi, hasanabi productions, hasMods, Hasanabi reacts, hasanabi, hasan piker, hasanabi news, hasan, hasan piker tyt, twitch, top twitch fails, twitch fails, funny twitch moments, livestream fails, livestream, drama, live stream fails, best twitch clips, funny twitch clips, streamer, react, twitch streamer, politics, highlights, comedy, funny, hasan reactions, hasanabi reaction, matt walsh, matt walsh twitter, hasanabi matt walsh, hasanabi matt walsh joe rogan, hasanabi joe rogan, joe rogan, jre, hasan matt walsh, hasan reacts, matt walsh owned, matt walsh hacked, sam seder matt walsh, emma vigeland, emma vigeland matt walsh, sam seder, matt walsh what is a woman, matt walsh leaks, hasan reactions, majority reports, majority report matt walsh, matt walsh tiktok, hasan tiktok, hasanabi tiktok, hasan ben shapiro, hasanabi ben shapiro, hasan piers morgan, hasanabi piers morgan, ben shapiro piers morgan, hasan ben shapiro piers morgan, hasanabi ben shapiro piers morgan, ben shapiro, piers morgan, ben shapiro wife, hasan ben shapiro wife, hasanabi ben shapiro wife
This fan channel is not affiliated with Hasan Piker.. | Published at: September 17, 2023 at 11:01AM.
#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed