Public Notes
thinkery/sample-ruby · GitHub
#ruby #API #examples #pub
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Ruby On Rails and PHP Cloud Hosting PaaS | Managed Rails Development | Engine Yard Platform as a Service
They charge 20% on top of Amazon EC2 prices. Only provide 500 free hours.
#PaaS #trial #IaaS #$AFMA #services #services_to_try #ruby #rails #dev #sysadmin #devops #infrastructure #pub
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SergXIIIth/skype-history-import · GitHub
knowtheory/dm-skype · GitHub
danlucraft/reskype · GitHub
"Convert plain text documents written in HTML, Markdown, or LaTeX to PDF, Docx, RTF or ePub with a simple HTTP API."
"Docverter has a simple to use HTTP API:"
"Docverter is open source software. Run it on your own hardware or on Heroku. Docverter wraps:
Pandoc, Calibre, Flying Saucer"
#conversion #converter #APIs #open_source #ruby #shell #Jruby #pub
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Ruby Question one line if statement - Stack Overflow
"In Ruby, the condition and the then part of an if expression must be separated by either an expression separator (i.e. ; or a newline) or the then keyword.
So, all of these would work:
if @item.rigged then 'Yes' else 'No' end
if @item.rigged; 'Yes' else 'No' end
if @item.rigged
'Yes' else 'No' end"
"n Ruby, however, if is an expression. In fact, everything is an expression in Ruby, so it already can return a value. There is no need for the conditional operator to even exist, let alone use it."
#control_statements #if_statements #ruby #grammar #pub
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Ruby Weekly: A Free, Weekly Ruby E-mail Newsletter
#references #from:Windows_Phone #news #being_up_to_date #copycopy #dev #newsletters #ideas #aggregation #rails #info #simple #ruby #pub
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"Simple, efficient message processing for Ruby.
What if 1 Sidekiq process could do the work of 20 Resque or DelayedJob processes?"
#gems #ruby #resque #background_jobs #pub
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RubyMotion - Ruby for iOS
#revenue_model #ruby #iOS #Software #development #Sent #from #my #Windows #Phone #pub
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deepak/socialite_js · GitHub
"Integrate socialite.js into Ruby on Rails. check}
The javascript source is vendorized in a seperate gem called socialite_js-source Use that if you want the javascript files and want to integrate yourself Doing that will save you from managing the javascript files manually
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'socialite_js'"
#Javascript #gems #ruby #wrappers #social_media #buttons #sharing #rails #pub
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awagener/iwanttolearnruby · GitHub
radar/guides · GitHub
HTTParty by jnunemaker
multi_json and multi_xml
You like to party!
#http_clients #http_requests #httparty #http #gems #ruby #party #~ #pub
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How do I cache a method with Ruby/Rails? - Stack Overflow
seamusabshere/cache_method · GitHub
Shelly Cloud
"Shelly Cloud was shut down on March 31st, 2016
Shelly Cloud was a Ruby application hosting service that made deployments painless.
It gave high speed servers, really simple deployment and full control over the cloud layout. Shelly was easy to use and developer-centric. You could host a full stack application for just €20 per month."
#from:Windows_Phone #ruby #gems #pub
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rubber/rubber · GitHub
#aws #ec2 #rails #scaling #capistrano #ruby #open_source #web_development #devops #sysadmin #from:Windows_Phone #pub
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Less popular than Jekyll. The sites that use this are pretty damn sexy (though all look pretty similar)
#ruby #gems #static_site_generators #sexy #Javascript #open_source #pub
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inlineblock/teabag · GitHub
"Teabag is a Javascript test runner built on top of Rails. It can run tests in the browser, or headlessly using PhantomJS or with Selenium WebDriver.
It's objective is to be the simplest, while also being the most complete Javascript testing solution for Rails. It takes full advantage of the asset pipeline and ships with support for Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit, and (experiementally) Angular.
Ok, another Javascript test runner, right? Really? Yeah, that's tough, but we're pretty confident Teabag is one of the nicest and most full featured you'll find at the moment. And if you disagree, let us know and we'll probably fix whatever it is that you didn't like.
Feedback, ideas and pull requests are always welcome, or you can hit us up on Twitter @modeset_.
If you'd like to use Teabag with Guard, check out the guard-teabag project."
#github #repos #stars #Javascript #testing #headless #rails #ruby #phantomjs #webdrivers #pub
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swanson/stringer · GitHub
Can run this off Heroku and compatible with Fever's API (so will work with apps like Reeder)
#google_reader #feed_readers #APIs #self-hosted #heroku #ruby #Javascript #open_source #pub
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pauldix/feedzirra · GitHub
"A feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan: it dominates and eats all."
#ruby #open_source #scraping #feeds #automation #pub
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dwillis/feedbag · GitHub
"Feedbag is a Ruby library for the auto-discovery of syndicated feeds (RSS/Atom)."
_Give it a url and it'll try finding the feed for the site_
#gems #ruby #open_source #parsing #scraping #automation #feeds #pub
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alloy/terminal-notifier · GitHub
"terminal-notifier is a command-line tool to send Mac OS X User Notifications, which are available in Mac OS X 10.8.
It is currently packaged as an application bundle, because NSUserNotification does not work from a ‘Foundation tool’. radar://11956694
The Notification Center always uses the application’s own icon, there’s currently no way to specify a custom icon for a notification. The only way to use this tool with your own icon is to include a build of terminal-notifier with your icon instead.
This tool will be used by Kicker to show the status of commands which are executed due to filesystem changes. (v3.0.0)
Prebuilt binaries, which are code-signed and ready to use, are available from the downloads section.
Or if you want to use this from Ruby, you can install it through RubyGems:
$ [sudo] gem install terminal-notifier"
#gems #notifications #cli #ruby #Mac #pub
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