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#iOS #quantified_self #logging #tracking #paid #price:$3 #pub
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#Rescuetime #rescuetime_esque #alternatives #mac_apps #native_apps #quantified_self #discipline #time_tracking #tracking #home_page #pub
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"Know your competitor’s next move before it happens The free, must-have platform for outsmarting your competition" #SaaS #free* #business_intelligence #researching #tracking #guiltypleasures #data_driven #crowd_sourced #user_generated_content #ideas #copy_hm #pub
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#rescuetime_esque #alternatives #SaaS #paid #trial #price:$13 #timelines #tracking #time_tracking #quantified_self #charts #pub
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#ideas #copycopy #pub

subsidiary_sites: footer links to LOGIKA Corporation(R)

allows_user_registration, oauth, oauth_only: can only login and register via Twitter.

They also have solid clickbait/linkbait content like hashtag definitions, pages for every hashtag. SO basically a ton of stuff. IE: which is a solid page of automated stuff and aggregated data.

They got "content resources" like or

Then my god just screaming of spambutnotspam sort of shiz: which is linked from the first tab on home page is just a few listed links, clicking any goes to another page usually, same look, like: Clicking something on there then goes to article editorial sort of pages about stuff happening with hashtags. I wonder how automated this is? Example list of article editorial page is: and then an article from there is: It is only 5 down but 9 months not too updated with how they are spreading the stuff out. Latest one on that page is 6 weeks old. So they are def still updating.

Overall the monthly pricing is not cheap for sure.

_New tag: google_bait, which is basically SEO bait. And prob want to change clickbait and linkbait to have an underscore_

_New tag: allows_user_registration. Was going to do membership or something but that's already there and maybe points toward something paid. While I'm just saying free registration is possible/easy to do. Initially was going to do site_or_app_that_allows_user_registration but that is clearly too long...and now I'm writing too much_ #automated #revenue_model #research #linkbait #spambutnotspam #aggregation #oauth_only #SaaS #twitters #oauth #data_driven #!TO_TAG_bit_more #paid #monitoring #ideas #reference_for_work #data_visualization #data_mining #social_media #data #pricey #hashtags #APIs #SEO #data_analytics #revenue_stream #web_2.0 #monthly #subsidiary_sites #tracking #google_bait #copycopy #work #data_generation #SEO_oriented #allows_user_registration #crawling #@to_look_into #toread
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About | Flow
Flow is a habit tracker and personal data analytics app that lets you keep focus on what matters. Flow owns none of your data. That's yours. The Flow Dashboard Track habits, monthly and annual goals, and the top tasks of the day. Submit daily journals with customizable questions. from Github: "Features Daily journal / survey Configurable questions Optional location pickup & mapping Extract @mentions and #tags from configured open-ended responses (auto-suggest) Segment analysis of journals by tag (highlight journal days with/without + show averages) Habit tracking ala habits app With weekly targets Commitments Optional daily targets for 'countable' habits Tracking top tasks for each day Analyze tasks completed: on time, late, not completed, on each given day Monthly/year/long-term goals Goal assessment report at end of month Rating for each goal monthly defined Ongoing Projects tracking Track time of each progress increment Link tasks with projects Define labeled milestones View 'burn-up' chart of completion progress over time Analysis Show summary charts of all data reported to platform Google Assitant / Home / Facebook Messenger integration for actions like: "How am I doing" "What are my goals for this month" "Mark 'run' as complete" "Daily report" Reading widget Show currently-reading articles / books Sync quotes from evernote / Kindle Sync articles from Pocket Mark articles / books as favorites, and add notes Quotes & articles fully searchable Flash card widget for spreadsheet access (e.g. random quotes, excerpts) Export all data to CSV Integrations Data source integrations Public Github commits Google Fit - track any activity durations by keyword Evernote - pull excerpts from specified notebooks Pocket - Sync stored articles & add notes Goodreads - Sync currently reading shelf Track any abstract data via REST API" #open_source #habits #Goals #journaling #unique_spin_slightly #%product_hunt #tracking #logging #quantified_self #pub
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#apple_ecosystem_focused #apple_watch #iOS #habits #tracking #logging #quantified_self #alternatives #freemium #%product_hunt #pub
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Actions and triggers. Decent stuff on both ends. #APIs #data #tracking #$discipline_accountability_integration_list #discipline #Rescuetime #$rescuetime_list #quantified_self #integrations #IFTTT #pub
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Is this an alternative to like Voluum? Or just for advertisers? #affiliate_marketing #SaaS #trial #paid #tracking #analytics #pub
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#best_of #utilities #paid #trial #K #cookies #privacy #tracking #lists #in-depth #feature_rich #mac #apps #%i_legit_use_this #pub
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How is this ALREADY dead!? #life_logging #location_based_services #startups #iOS #wont_last #GPS #quantified_self #AI_hype_but_not_really #apps #tracking #dead #%product_hunt #pub
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Damn, this app has been around for almost the entire decade. #updated_regularly #still_updated #logging #tracking #iOS #apps #freemium #pub
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#focus #focus_accountability #rescuetime_esque #freemium #discipline #tracking #iOS_apps #mobile_apps_2_major_OSes #pub
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Another local Rescuetime-esque app. This is in between with RescueTime and Toggl. Leaning towards RescueTime. I did run it before, but it seems pointless to run multiple apps. #rescuetime_esque #trial #%setapp #tracking #local_databases #mac_apps #paid #K #productivity #quantified_self #toggl_esque #pub
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