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Here you will find Guides mainly for the Starr Apps (Sonarr/Radarr) and everything related to it. - TRaSH-/Guides: Here you will find Guides mainly for the Starr Apps (Sonarr/Radarr) and everything related to it. #sonarr #radarr #guide #documentation #pub
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📖 Documentation Generator of React Component. Contribute to umijs/dumi development by creating an account on GitHub. #static-site-generator #documentation #pub
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A spec for Humanized web APIs, aka HAPI. The goal of HAPI is to define a standard for creating Web-based APIs that are machine ready but human friendly— a self-documenting API. - jheising/HAPI #api #documentation #standard #pub
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An Asciidoctor documentation toolchain that helps technical teams create, manage, collaborate on, remix, release, and publish documentation sites sourced from multiple versioned repositories. #asciidoc #documentation #writing #static-site-generator #pub
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📚 Effortless documentation, done right. Contribute to egoist/docute development by creating an account on GitHub. #documentation #markdown #javascript #pub
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Baklib是一款优雅的云端知识库建设平台,企业“帮助中心”全场景解决方案提供商。致力于企业帮助中心设计、产品说明书、常见问题手册、在线知识库、企业文档制作。 #knowledgebase #documentation #service #pub
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In this article, I’m going to go over the basics building blocks of jq in enough depth that you will be able to understand how jq works. #jq #tutorial #documentation #pub
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易文档,适合开发团队的文档管理平台;支持接口测试、MockServer 接口数据模拟,提供精美的文档模板,可一键生成 API 文档,从注释生成文档。可用来编写接口文档、使用手册、数据库文档、需求文档 #api #documentation #pub
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✍ It has never been so easy to document your things! - doczjs/docz: ✍ It has never been so easy to document your things! #documenting #documentation #gatsby #javascript #static-site-generator #pub
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MDX allows you to use JSX in your markdown content. You can import components, such as interactive charts or alerts, and embed them within your content. This makes writing long-form content with components a blast. #markdown #jsx #documentation #javascript #pub
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Create a powerful human-centered workflow for your APIs. Bump documents, diffs, and validates your API changes continuously. It lets you focus on what's important: building your product. #api #collaboration #documentation #changelog #pub
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给程序员的写作课,一个面向程序员的实用写作指南 #writing #learning #documentation #pub
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A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox. - codesandbox/sandpack: A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox. #editor #code #interactive #preview #documentation #pub
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