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The Libertinus font family. Contribute to alerque/libertinus development by creating an account on GitHub.

#font #serif #reading

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‎Do you want to develop the habit of reading ?Try Sink. It can help you write elegant excerpts, remind you to read, track your reading time, and so on. It can definitely largely improve your reading experience .

Sink can help you lose yourselves in reading by these ways.

◎ Your collected previous…

#epub #reading #ios #app #excerpt

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#english #learning #reading #app

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An interactive introduction to Charlie Munger's timeless lessons in life, learning, and decision-making.

#reading #ebook #interactive #visualization

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Transparent, global reporting by Semafor journalists on politics, policy, business, finance, technology, climate, energy, media, entertainment, world affairs, China, Asia, Europe, Africa for US and international readers.

#news #newspaper #reading #best

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BoredReading is a curation of the best articles from around the internet. #blog #article #reading #rss #aggregator
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通过带有 HistoryMaps 的交互式 3D 地图、时间轴、图像和视频直观地学习历史。 使用交互式地图和时间轴了解事情发生的地点和时间。 美丽的图像和视频使它变得更好。 #history #map #visualization #reading
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Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading. - GitHub - omnivore-app/omnivore: Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who l... #readitlater #annotation #reading #web #app #self-hosted
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Wikiwand - home
Wikiwand is the world's leading Wikipedia reader for web and mobile. #wikipedia #reading #chrome #extension
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Typing Practice | Test your typing while reading great books like Alice in Wonderland, 1984, Dracula, and The Art of War — or import your own material! #typing #exercise #keyboard #practice #ebook #reading
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Read the Word,Read the World. Click to read Λ-Reading, a Substack publication with thousands of readers. #newsletter #reading #writing
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‎“App of the Day“ - Apple, Inc. Make powerful book highlights, and stop forgetting what you read. Highlighted makes it easy to capture, organize, revisit, and export important parts of your books. ______ MAIN FEATURES • Best-in-class text recognition • Smart sentence & paragraph detection • Bulk… #ios #app #highlight #annotation #book #reading
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Every day we pick 7 links from around the web for you, tailored to your interests. Loved by 50k+ curious minds. #newsletter #reading
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Grow wiser and retain books better: Readwise sends you a daily email resurfacing your best highlights from Kindle, Instapaper, iBooks, and more. #reading #ebook #highlight #sync #kindle #instapaper #annotation #pub
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Doocer, a gift for kindle users.Creating MOBI and EPUB books from RSS, Medium, Pocket, Instapaper and any websites. #rss #reading #ebook #maker #magazine #pub
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不知道读什么?就来什么值得读!产品经理/运营/设计/市场/技术成长书单! #reading #recommendation #ebook #pub
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