#gnu #utilities
With GoReleaser, you can:
- Cross-compile your Go project
- Release to GitHub, GitLab and Gitea
- Create nightly builds
- Create Docker images and manifests
- Create Linux packages and Homebrew taps
- Sign artifacts, checksums and Docker images
- Announce new releases on Twitter, Slack, Discord and others
- ... and much more!
#go #productivity
pip documentation
#python #docs
A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
#productivity #git
A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
#go #bash
#[go] #bookmarksThis is a BASH script to perform fast image downloads sourced from Google Images based on a specified search-phrase. It's a web-page scraper that can source a list of original image URLs and sent them to Wget (or cURL) to download in parallel. Optionally, it can then combine them using ImageMagick's montage into a single gallery image.
#bash #productivity
A Linux bash based Bing and Google Dorking Tool
#bash #productivity
Mage is a make-like build tool using Go. You write plain-old go functions, and Mage automatically uses them as Makefile-like runnable targets.
A Go library for creating Bash environments, exporting Go functions in them as Bash functions, and running commands in that Bash environment. Combined with a tool like go-bindata, you can write programs that are part written in Go and part are written in Bash that can be distributed as standalone binaries.
#Go #Bash
#[go] #bookmarksServe markdown as HTML (GitHub style), index directories, and live-reload as you edit.