Social Generative AI : “Beautiful VICTORIAN GIRL perfect detailed symmetrical face (((full body))) huge ...”

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Settings used to generate this image:
Parameter Value
Model Stable Diffusion v1.4
DDIM Sampling Steps 50
Random Seed 42
Code to generate this image on your computer:

            python scripts/ --plms --n_samples=1 --n_iter=1 --ddim_steps=50 --seed=42 \
            --prompt="Beautiful VICTORIAN GIRL perfect detailed symmetrical face (((full body))) huge breasts huge hips FEMININE ((PERFECT FACE)) ((SEXY FACE)) ((DETAILED PUPILS)) OIL PAINTING (((LARGE BREAST)) ((TONED ABS)) (THICK THIGH) EVOCATIVE POSE SMIRK LOOK AT VIEWER ((BLOUSE)) (INTRICATE) (HIGH DETAIL) SHARP muted colors vivid color postprocessing colorgrading tone mapping lush low contrast vintage aesthetic psychedelic"