Social Generative AI : “Dolphin Queen photorealistic face Breathtaking Maximalist Bride engulfed in pear...”

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Settings used to generate this image:
Parameter Value
Model Stable Diffusion v1.4
DDIM Sampling Steps 50
Random Seed 42
Code to generate this image on your computer:

            python scripts/ --plms --n_samples=1 --n_iter=1 --ddim_steps=50 --seed=42 \
            --prompt="Dolphin Queen photorealistic face Breathtaking Maximalist Bride engulfed in pearls a highly intricate hyperdetailed landscape illustration maximalism surrealism 3d liquid detailing volumetric lighting artgerm marc simonetti peter mohrbacher heavy metal jean giraud vladimir kush Michael Whelan Michael Cheva Max Ernstl vray QLED goldfish and bubbles"