Social Generative AI : “ILittle Betty ate a pound of aspirin She got them from the shelf upon the wall B...”

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Settings used to generate this image:
Parameter Value
Model Stable Diffusion v1.4
DDIM Sampling Steps 50
Random Seed 42
Code to generate this image on your computer:

            python scripts/ --plms --n_samples=1 --n_iter=1 --ddim_steps=50 --seed=42 \
            --prompt="ILittle Betty ate a pound of aspirin She got them from the shelf upon the wall Bettys mommy wasnt there to save her She didnt even hear her baby call Dead babies Cant take care of themselves Dead babies Cant take things off the shelf Well we didnt want you anyway Lalalala lalalala la la la Daddy is an agrophile in Texas Mommys on the bar most every night Little Bettys sleeping in the graveyard Living there in burgundy and white Dead babies Cant take care of themselves Dead babies Cant take things off the shelf Well we didnt want you anyway Lalalala lalalala la la la Goodbye Little Betty Goodbye Little Betty So long Little Betty So long Little Betty Betty so long Dead babies Cant take care of themselves Dead babies Cant take things off the shelf Well we didnt need you anyway Lalalala lalalala la la la Goodbye Little Betty"