Social Generative AI : “Early hours open road family of fiveon their way home Having enjoyed a day in th...”

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Settings used to generate this image:
Parameter Value
Model Stable Diffusion v1.4
DDIM Sampling Steps 50
Random Seed 42
Code to generate this image on your computer:

            python scripts/ --plms --n_samples=1 --n_iter=1 --ddim_steps=50 --seed=42 \
            --prompt="Early hours open road family of fiveon their way home Having enjoyed a day in the sun their encounter with gore has just begun A homicidal fool not knowing left from right now has the family in his sight Trying to perceive if hes blind or insane he steers his car into the other lane  Both of them collide expressions horrified Head on at full speed the vultures will soon feed  The father of three was impaled on the wheel as his skull became part of the dash His eyeballs ejected his sight uneffected he saw his own organs collapse His seatbelt was useless for holding him back it simply cut him in two Legs were crushed out leaked puss as his spinal cord took off and flew The mother took a flight through the glass and ended up impaled on a sign Her intestines stretched from the car down the road for a quarter of mile  Fourth child on the way wont live another day Fetus on the road with mangled little bones Little children fly not a chance to wonder why Smashed against the ceiling all their "