Social Generative AI : “Beautiful intricate highly detailed beautiful detailed face perfect face ginger ...”

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Settings used to generate this image:
Parameter Value
Model Stable Diffusion v1.4
DDIM Sampling Steps 50
Random Seed 42
Code to generate this image on your computer:

            python scripts/ --plms --n_samples=1 --n_iter=1 --ddim_steps=50 --seed=42 \
            --prompt="Beautiful intricate highly detailed beautiful detailed face perfect face ginger girl with thick braid perfect eyes perfect pupils perfect iris perfect lips portrait magic dark night winter forest background magic the gathering artwork dd fantasy cinematic lighting centered symmetrical highly detailed digital painting extremely detailed Celestial Maiden coherent fantasy portrait beautiful digital womans clear beautiful face head intricate detailed black hair golden aura highly detailed pixar illustration artgerm Art Frahm Robert Crumb michael whelan pixar tim burton vray QLED"