Continious AWS IAM Security Practices
#security #aws #p #postgres
Inherited AWS Account best practices
#aws #p #security
AWS Access Keys - A reference (Must Read)
#aws #security #p
Never put AWS temporary credentials in the credentials file
#aws #security #p
#aws #networking
Pacu: AWS Exploitation framework
#aws #security
AWS Cloudformation retrying/rollback resources to a previous good state #aws #cloudformation #p
Assume AWS roles in github actions
#ci/cd #aws #security #p
AWS Organizations best practices! A must read!
#aws #security #p
Save Costs on AWS!! Lovely trick, believe me worth a watch !
#p #aws #cost-optimization #savings
Security Extension to check for AWS Credentials in JS
#aws #security #p
List AWS Cloudwatch loggroup size with AWS CLI
aws logs describe-log-groups --query "logGroups[*].{LogGroup:logGroupName,VolumeSize:storedBytes,RetentionInDays:retentionInDays} | reverse(sort_by(@, &VolumeSize))" --output table --profile $profile --region $region
#aws #bash-productivity #p
Combine multiple AWS IAM Polices into a single policy set. Useful if you need to deal with multiple AWS Policies (AWS/Local) #aws #iam #security #p
Generate graphql based cloud inventory, cloud costing and security compliance querying with graphql data. #aws #security #p
Transfer hosted zone between AWS Accounts
#aws #p
Migrating Route53 records to a different account
#aws #p
EKS Kubernetes Anywhere
#kubernetes #aws #eks
Tighten AWS IAM Roles and S3 Bucket polices trust relationships #security #aws
Postgres RDS Storage Autoscaling factors/considerations & limitations #postgres #databases
Postgres SSL settings #postgres #security #databases