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Growing your social media profiles organically and consistently engaging with your target audiences are an effective strategy to increase your brand loyalty, improve customer care, boost your SEO, and much more.

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👉 Go straight to the point. There’s no time for long intos. To keep your audience attention, your most intriguing part of the narrative or a plot twist should be at the first five seconds of the clip. 👉 Avoid too many texts.

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For every dollar companies spend on influencer marketing, they can expect an average ROI of $5.78. Data fetched from Statista indicates that the global influencer marketing industry stood at a $13.8 billion, more than doubling since 2019.

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With more than 2.56 billion monthly active users, YouTube is the second most visited website on the internet. Approximately one billion hours of content are watched every single day on YouTube.

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With influencer marketing being a $13.8 billion industry, businesses out there are spending thousands of dollars each month on their influencer marketing campaigns.

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If you’re trying to establish a rock-solid presence on Amazon, collaborating with Amazon influencers is one of the most effective ways. Recently, we witnessed Amazon launch its own Influencer Program, allowing influencers to launch their dedicated storefronts on the platform.

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TikTok and Instagram are two of today’s hottest and most widely -used social media platforms. If you’re looking forward to running influencer marketing campaigns you may be confused about whether it’s a wise decision to work with TikTok or Instagram influencers.

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Want to know how to create a hashtag for TikTok influencer marketing? Here is everything you need to know to create a killer TikTok hashtag. Click now

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Geotargeted marketing is a marketing and advertising method that entails displaying different content or promotions to consumers depending on their geographic location.

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‘Tis the season for holiday marketing. It’s the perfect time to start using influencers if your brand hasn’t started. This time of year, traffic on websites, the internet, and social platforms is higher than usual. That means more engagement and, hopefully, more sales.

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Influencer partnerships can catapult a brand into increased engagement, lots of visibility, and the consistent “ching” of the pay button. While many brands would love this scenario, if they don’t have an influencer or two onboard with their strategy, they may not see this type of success.

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If you’re reading this article, you’ve most likely heard the phrase “influencer marketing,” but you’re probably not entirely sure what it is. It’s no surprise you’ve come across this advertising strategy.

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While every micro-influencer has his or her unique taste and style, there are some overarching personality types that can be deduced from scrolling through a newsfeed.

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You’ve been working hard to foster a positive company culture, so why not align your marketing efforts with your brand’s core values, mission, and work ethic? Arguably, one of the best approaches to doing just that is to partner with content creators who exemplify the essence of your business.

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According to estimates by AdWeek, the influencer marketing industry is set to reach $10 billion by 2020, and there’s a reason for this rapid growth—it works! Research from Twitter suggests almost 40% of users have purchased a product that was tweeted about by an influencer.

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On the flip side, consumers are becoming more tech-savvy, well-informed, and not as easily duped. They can see right through inauthentic posts that don’t jive with an influencer’s previous content.

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The “pay marketers for sales” myth is the belief that marketing teams should be accountable and paid for immediate sales.

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On Instagram, engagement occurs when someone takes action on your post. This interaction includes likes, clicks, comments, and shares. Many markets are also interested in engagement rates, which indicates the proportion of people who saw a post and then interacted with it.

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From identifying your goals to creating a sound content strategy, these eleven steps will help you maximize results. We encourage you to use this post as your influencer campaign checklist.

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Best practices for new marketing strategies—such as micro-influencer marketing—can take years to develop while your results suffer. Even the most experienced digital marketers are still learning how to optimize results for micro-influencer marketing.

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This year, Instagram is making it easier than ever for people to shop within its platform. With a broad audience and new features, marketing on this photo-centric platform is a no-brainer. Check out these eight tools to take advantage of from Instagram. Instagram Shop is a brand new feature.

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As it becomes more and more difficult for brands to reach and establish trust with customers, marketers are going all in with their influencer marketing efforts.

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Are you using influencer user-generated content (UGC) only in your social media strategy? If so, you’re missing out on bigtime brand growth.

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An influencer marketing platform is designed to help marketers find and select influencers based on various criteria, including your target demographic, keywords, number of followers, etc. Platforms offer campaign analytics, tools to manage influencer relations, and measure ROI of your campaigns.

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If a query asks about resolving clients’ complaints, avoid offering general insights. Instead, offer a real-life example of a time you mitigated the situation. The more specific and actionable your tips are, the better.

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