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Creating engagement and a loyal brand community is a challenging task if you’re starting from scratch. You’d have to be credible, inspirational, approachable—and still, that would be just the tiny first step. Enter micro-influencers.

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The way you onboard a new team member will pave the path on which your whole relationship will follow. Remember that the first impression lays out the foundations of a successful and fruitful campaign and relationship, well into the future of your brand.

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You have a fantastic product. Your team has poured their heart and soul into developing a brand persona that is unique, engaging, and compelling.

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TikTok might be the fastest growing video sharing app on the planet, but Instagram is still going strong in the social media world. This has created a debate amongst marketers. Instagram Reels vs TikTok ads — which is better?

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There are so many different ways to produce powerful content and build your brand on social media platforms like TikTok.

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We’re House of Marketers, an influencer marketing agency that specialises in running TikTok influencer video campaigns for the biggest brands and most promising startups worldwide.

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Influo agency is a brand and influencer management based in London. They offer social media marketing, paid media marketing influencer management.

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TikTok has become a juggernaut in the online marketing space, as it proves to be the best way to engage with your audience. As result, key TikTok content ideas are important for scaling your businesss.

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As a marketer, it’s your job to come up with the plan and execute successful marketing campaigns for your company or your client. But even if you’re highly experienced, we all have those days when our minds just draw a blank.

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Replug is a New York City-based agency. Over its short existence, Replug has helped multiple clients, especially not-for-profit organisations. Because of its dedication to exemplary services, the agency has grown rapidly.

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Every TikTok business idea is not always going to be successful. Every piece of content is not going to make noise and convert your audience – especially with so much competition on social media.

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If you’re a small business, there’s a good chance you’re looking for creative ways to get your app installed. TikTok can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool for small businesses that are looking for more reach on a tight budget. Small business TikTok campaigns are the way to go.

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If you’ve decided to market your brand on TikTok, you’ve made a wise choice. TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world if you implement an effective TikTok marketing strategy.

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It’s common knowledge in marketing circles that TikTok has been the fastest growing social media channel for a while now. And there’s no sign of this trajectory flattening anytime soon.

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Fashion influencers have been a mainstay of the internet ever since the invention of social media. When TikTok arrived on the scene, it was only natural that a new generation of fashionistas would emerge and take the app by storm.

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By now, everyone knows that Gen Z loves TikTok. But that doesn’t mean the app is only for young people. In fact, TikTok has a surprisingly large number of users over 30 years old, and this audience is continuously growing.

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In this post, we delve into the Top 10 highest-paid TikTok stars who make great content on the app a reality.

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From 2010 onwards influencer marketing began to explode. Marketers increasingly began turning to influencers to promote their products and services, often enjoying impressive results.

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Maybe not quite 10x easier, but we definitely can help set a goal for that influencer marketing campaign that you've been tasked with putting on. Chances are if your eyes are moving down this page, it’s because you’re interested in using influencer marketing in some form or fashion.

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What the Hell is Influencer Marketing? www.ubiquitousinfluence.com

This was no small undertaking in 1993, as most young consumers saw milk simply as something their parents drank back in the day.

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If you haven’t heard of the social media juggernaut that is TikTok, this article is going to get you schooled up.

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So without further ado, go ahead and dive into these key influencer marketing statistics. Any good marketer knows that a 30% jump is always a strong indicator that you're moving in the right direction. When you start seeing those double-digits, it's clear that something big is happening!

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Influencer marketing is taking over the internet one post at a time. If you’ve been thinking about partnering with influencers for your next marketing campaign, Instagram might be the perfect platform to make it happen.

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Aren’t they all the same?! While most marketing folks use the terms interchangeably, the truth is that there are some notable differences between creators and influencers. Differences that can impact how brands build out their influencer marketing strategy today, tomorrow, and into the future.

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It’s easy to say that some social media platforms are generational. Just look in the social media landscape and you’ll see that Gen X and Boomers are the keepers of Facebook, while Instagram is owned by the Millennials, and TikTok has been taken over by Gen Z youth. 

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