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Nearly 40% of Gen Z prefer searching for things on TikTok and Instagram over traditional search engines such as Google. This means that more people than ever are using TikTok for discovery—especially when it comes to shopping.

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This is a comprehensive list of the most important influencer marketing categories to pay attention to. If you are a CMO, brand marketer, campaign manager, social media specialist, or have the words marketing anywhere near your title, this list is going to help you.

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This was back in mid-2014 when the app first launched as a music creator platform that allowed people to lip-sync to their favorite songs. Fast forward almost 8 years and this simple song app turned into the towering social media platform that is now TikTok. 

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Originally published in May 2015. Last updated April 24, 2019

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The growing cadre of digital personalities known as virtual influencers presents both opportunities and challenges for brands and marketers that are considering using virtual storytellers as brand ambassadors.

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Being an influencer is all about knowing your audience.

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Managing your social media without establishing a solid and recognizable brand is like wearing red and green together when it’s not Christmas – it can be an absolute disaster.

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If your brand, like most, happens to be one that’s working tirelessly to build a strong social media presence to support your website or online store, you’re going to need a strategy that will consistently enable you to connect with your followers by creating targeted messages.

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Originally published September 2018. Updated June 2020 Gray is the new black, and 60 is the new 40. Forget what you heard about the Golden Years being a time for R&R and winding down.

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If you find out today that you’re working from home for the next year, do you have the tools you need to be productive? Do you have an optimized home office and the right apps and tools at home to work seamlessly without the hiccups? Yes? No? Kinda? No worries.

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Back in May of this year, Facebook rolled out Facebook Shops in the US. This is an area within the Facebook app where, as a business, you could put your merchandise up for sale. Then in July they expanded Shops to include Instagram, and added some more functionality to allow greater customization.

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This generation is no stranger to innovation. The fact that businesses spring from ideas that can really come from anywhere. Startup culture has been part of the American experience for decades, but not every startup survives.

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Okay, so a few days ago, we published an infographic detailing the different ways you can structure influencer marketing campaigns to reach specific outcomes.

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Originally published May 2019. Last updated September 2020. Bloggers may be clued in on something your brand is actually missing: Pinterest is an AMAZING product discovery tool.

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Ever wonder if your favorite influencer is considered a micro-influencer or macro-influencer? What about nano, mid-tier or mega influencers? Didn’t know those last three existed? Yeah, neither did I. Ok, I’m lying. I did know. But that’s why I’m writing this for you! You’ll thank me later.

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It’s holiday marketing time! If you’re one of the millions of brands planning a big, holiday thing, partnering with Instagram influencers can be an invaluable marketing strategy for getting the word out about your big sale and converting followers to clickers.

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It’s time to sit down and map out your social media marketing campaigns for the holiday season. We thought it would be cool to publish a list of 30 influencer marketing ideas that we’re hoping will finally lay to rest the dreaded #basic product placement post.

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How do you pick the best influencers for your social media campaign? It’s not as straightforward as it seems. Influencer selection is crucial to the success of your influencer campaign, but 7 in 10 brands say finding the right influencers is a challenge.

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Influencer marketing has become an integral part of the digital landscape for many brands. As the influencer marketing industry continues to grow in popularity, utility, and measurability, marketers are allocating more and more of their overall marketing spend to influencer campaigns.

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Social commerce is a powerful tool for streamlining the buyer’s journey. It gives consumers a more direct path from scrolling their social media feeds to shopping online for the items they see in their feeds. Shoppability has always been the goal for social media platforms.

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The most effective influencer marketing campaigns may differ in many ways, but they also share many similarities.

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Businesses are constantly on the hunt for different ways to outwit search engines, one-up competitors, and just show up where their customers are hanging out online. Well, one of the best ways to do all three is with Instagram influencer marketing.

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October 14, 2019Research and Statistics 111 MORE Influencer Marketing Stats and Trends for EPIC Marketing in 2020 [Infographics] Four years ago, the two big questions on every marketer’s mind were “What is influencer marketing?” and “Does it really work?” Fast forward to the future (it's,

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You may have heard influencer whitelisting is a hot topic in the influencer marketing world, but what exactly is it? How do you know if whitelisting is the right influencer marketing strategy for your next campaign? And what social media channels work best for whitelisting content?

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Want to get your message in front of your (younger) audience? Then collaborate with TikTok influencers. Companies know this. Brands know this. And, well, even the White House knows this. Apparently, the government “briefed” TikTok stars about the war in Ukraine to shed light on the matter.

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