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Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are just around the corner. It’s a bargain hunter’s dream, and dedicated shoppers are already prepping their wallets.

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Whether you run an ecommerce or brick-and-mortar retail business, chances are you’ve heard a thing or two about Google Shopping. But what is Google Shopping, exactly? Is it worth using? And, if so, how should you use it?

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Shopping cart abandonment continues to be a major pain point for ecommerce store owners. According to Baymard Institute, the average online cart abandonment rate is 69.99%, which translates to 7 out of 10 shoppers not completing their purchase.

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How do you increase the probability of your agency’s survival and success? Mr. Schulman made that statement last year; however, it is no novel concept.

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Wondering how to do SEO for ecommerce? Looking for expert insights on ecommerce SEO?

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Join 25M+ people and share everything you create, curate and sell online. All from the one link in bio. Connect your socials, website, store, videos, music, podcast, events and more. It all comes together in a link in bio landing page designed to convert.

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Get more from your bio link. Sell exclusive content, create a membership, accept donations, and allow custom requests. Instead of linking out to Patreon or another service, your fans can sign up to get content directly through your bio link.

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Engagement rates are the currency of the social media marketing industry. Sure, vanity metrics like followers and impressions count for something. But engagement metrics like the number of likes and comments give your social media performance perspective.

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A social media marketing strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. The more specific your plan is, the more effective it will be. Keep it concise.

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If you’re using social media to market your business, you need a social media budget. Here’s how to put one together — and how to ask your boss for the investment you need. Bonus: Download a free guide and checklist to help you convince your boss to invest more in social media.

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As a social marketer, you already understand that social media brings value to your organization. But can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing efforts? Social ROI can often be tricky to prove.

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Business Intelligence (BI) tools are extremely inportant in today's world. As technology emerges to a high level in business, it can provide relevant and useful business information and ultimately improve business performance.

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The key reason web testing tools are important is that the outcome of each product's product testing stage is the most important component in determining the product's performance and commercial success.

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Cross Browser Testing Tools are important to ensure that everyone who visits your site sees it the way you intended them to, even if they are using different browsers. However, there are situations when a website that crashes in one browser works perfectly fine in another one.

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Of course, hacking has progressed as well: nowadays, there are a plethora of ethical hacking tools available that can assist anyone with security research and intelligence gathering in ways that were simply not conceivable a few years ago.

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Around the world, the mobile revolution is reaching its pinnacle. Mobile apps are what make mobile phones so convenient. It enables you to carry out your daily chores with ease and attentiveness.

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Before we dive into our list of the best code review tools, let us give you an idea of what Code Review actually is. Code review is a step in the software development process that entails testing the source code to find flaws early on.

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The decision making tools assist you in mapping out all of the viable options for your decision, as well as their costs and likelihood of success or failure. Many firms delegate decision-making to managers and executives, leaving individual contributors to focus on their daily tasks.

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Data modeling tools are one of the most critical services in any company's arsenal as it deals with the massive amounts of data it collects on a daily basis. This type of software transforms mountains of meaningless statistics and figures into meaningful trends and patterns that are relevant.

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Today, every firm relies on the characteristics of data mining tools and data extraction software to plan business decisions and dramatically reduce costs. Different methodologies are required for various data mining technologies.

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The process of learning about business requirements is known as business analysis. Business analysis tools let business analysts collaborate more effectively, acquire and sort information, report business requirements, examine use cases, and create models.

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Web crawler tools are a valuable source of data for analysis and data mining. Web spiders, web data extraction software, and website scraping tools are all examples of internet web crawling tools. These are essential and can be used with data analysis software.

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