- Standups should be about steering, not a status meeting.
- Automate status reports for standups, since they’re not inspiring.
- Instead have meetings with everyone everyday to ask, what is the best day that we can possibly have?
- You should be pumped after your standup.
- There’s a human element of syncing everyday.
- If you had a bad day, this is where you lean on the team.
- It’s not a status or policing session.
- I know you’ve been working on CSS for weeks, and you’re going to continue doing it.
- As a manager, you are coaching.
- Gauge the energy. Make adjustments accordingly.
- Example team
- Morning: status meeting
- Afternoon: product standup
- PM asks: what new toys do I have to play with today?
- What about standup bots?
- Use it for asynchronous status updates.
- Manager can notice if people are working on similar areas. Get them together.
- Team Drift: Delay in feedback.
- How do we get rid of this uncertainty?
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