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For instance, during the three months of April, May, and June, more than 200 million Jan Dhan Accounts, held by women, were credited with Rs. 500 each month under the Covid relief package while allowing them the freedom to use the money as they saw fit.
The e-RUPI has been envisioned as a cashless and contactless online payment system that will use a QR code or an SMS string-based e-voucher that will be delivered to the beneficiaries.
The beneficiaries will be able to use this voucher without any card, internet banking access, or internet-enabled mobile app when they wish to access the services at the designated provider for those services.
Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, these e-vouchers will only be valid for the services they are designated for by the government which could include healthcare, education, and an array of services in the future.
NPCI had issued the guidelines for the UPI platform, stating that e-vouchers can be issued to mobile phone holders without any app or bank account.
For instance, to farmers for fertilisers and seeds before the farming season, or to students in universities to purchase books and other university resources, or to employees to spend on designated services, say leisure, or restaurants, or medical checkups, or travel, and so forth.
The e-RUPI is a person- and purpose-specific digital payment mechanism, intended to help people across different economic spectrums with easier access to better services.