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Discover which Neanderthal traits you have inherited Neanderthal were archaic humans - they became extinct about 40,000 years ago after interbreeding with modern humans. Appearing in Europe and West Asia, they expanded into Southwest, Central and Northern Asia. There were possibly three separate episodes of interbreeding; one soon after leaving Africa; another after the ancestral Melanesians had developed into a different group and would go on to breed with Denisovans; then a later third interbreeding with East Asians. There is some speculation that Neanderthals may have used simple boats to cross water. Discuss your results and all aspects of genetic ancestry and health at our new Facebook group Your Neanderthal test results Neanderthal Less Back Hair You do not have this Neanderthal allele, you have the modern human variant. rs4849721GG Neanderthal Height. Shorter You do not have this Neanderthal allele, you have the modern human variant. rs7544462AA Neanderthal You do not have this Neanderthal allele, you have the modern human variant. rs12416000GG Your sense of direction You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs1364405GG Your fear of heights You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs13097409AA Your fear of heights You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs1566479TT Your propensity to sweat more during exercise You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs4849721GG Your propensity to sneeze after eating dark chocolate You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs11213819CC Neanderthal Straight Hair no call rs12458349: Your genome file does not contain the SNP for this marker so your result is a no call. Neanderthal Height. Taller no call rs1877547: Your genome file does not contain the SNP for this marker so your result is a no call. SHOW/HIDE REFERENCES References: Arensburg B et al. (1989). “A Middle Palaeolithic human hyoid bone.” Nature. 338(6218):758-60. Arensburg B et al. (1990). “A reappraisal of the anatomical basis for speech in Middle Palaeolithic hominids.” Am J Phys Anthropol. 83(2):137-46. Arensburg B & Tillier AM. (1991). “Speech and the Neanderthals.” Endeavour. 15(1):26-8. Arsuaga JL et al. (2014). “Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos.” Science. 344(6190):1358-63. Balter M. (2014). “Paleoanthropology. RIP for a key Homo species?” Science. 345(6193):129. Barney A et al. (2012). “Articulatory capacity of Neanderthals, a very recent and human-like fossil hominin.” Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.367(1585):88-102. Capasso L et al. (2008). “A Homo erectus hyoid bone: possible implications for the origin of the human capability for speech.” Coll Antropol. 32(4):1007-11. Curnoe D et al. (2015). “A Hominin Femur with Archaic Affinities from the Late Pleistocene of Southwest China.” PLoS One. 10(12):e0143332. D’Anastasio R et al. (2013). “Micro-biomechanics of the Kebara 2 hyoid and its implications for speech in Neanderthals.” PLoS One. 8(12):e82261. Dannermann M & Kelso J. (2017). “The Contribution of Neanderthals to Phenotypic Variation in Modern Humans.” Am J Hum Genet. 101(4):578-589. Gibbons A. (2014). “Human evolution. Oldest Homo sapiens genome pinpoints Neandertal input.” Science. 343(6178):1417. Glantz M et al. (2008). “New hominin remains from Uzbekistan.” J Hum Evol. 55(2):223-37. Harris K & Nielsen R. (2016). “The Genetic Cost of Neanderthal Introgression.” Genetics. 203(2):881-91. Higham T et al. (2014). “The timing and spatiotemporal patterning of Neanderthal disappearance.” Nature. 512(7514):306-9. Hoffman DL et al. (2018). U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art. Science. 359(6378):912-915. Hoffman DL et al (2018). Response to Comment on “U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art.” Science. 362(6411). Jaubert J et al. (2016). “Early Neanderthal constructions deep in Bruniquel Cave in southwestern France.” Nature. 534(7605):111-4. Juric I et al. (2016). “The Strength of Selection against Neanderthal Introgression.” PLoS Genet. 12(11):e1006340. Krause J et al. (2007). “The derived FOXP2 variant of modern humans was shared with Neandertals.” Curr Biol. 17(21):1908-12. Lai CS et al. (2001). “A forkhead-domain gene is mutated in a severe speech and language disorder.” Nature. 413(6855):519-23. Martínez I et al. (2008). “Human hyoid bones from the middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain).” J Hum Evol. 54(1):118-24. Mayell H. (2005). “Oldest Human Fossils Identified.” National Geographic News. (Website). McDougall I et al. (2005). “Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia.” Nature. 433(7027):733-6. Medez FL et al. (2016). “The Divergence of Neandertal and Modern Human Y Chromosomes.” Am J Hum Genet. 98(4):728-34. Meyer M et al. (2012). “A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual.” Science. 338(6104):222-6. Meyer M et al. (2016). “Nuclear DNA Sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos Hominins.” Nature. 531:504-7. Mondal M et al. (2019). “Approximate Bayesian computation with deep learning supports a third archaic introgression in Asia and Oceania.” Nat Commun. 10(1):246. Pääbo S. (1985). “Molecular cloning of Ancient Egyptian mummy DNA.” Nature. 314(6012):644-5. Pike AW et al. (2012). “U-series dating of Paleolithic art in 11 caves in Spain.” Science. 336(6087):1409-13. Prüfer K et al. (2014). “The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains.” Nature. 505(7481):43-9. Radovčić D et al. (2015). “Evidence for Neandertal jewelry: modified white-tailed eagle claws at Krapina.” PLoS One. 10(3):e0119802. Reich D et al. (2010). “Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberia.” Nature. 468(7327):1053-60. Sankararaman S et al. (2014). “The genomic landscape of Neanderthal ancestry in present-day humans.” Nature. 507(7492):354-7. Sankararaman S et al. (2016). “The Combined Landscape of Denisovan and Neanderthal Ancestry in Present-Day Humans.” Curr Biol. 26(9):1241-7. Sharbrough J et al. (2017). “The Mitonuclear Dimension of Neanderthal and Denisovan Ancestry in Modern Human Genomes.” Genome Biol Evol. 9(6):1567-1581. Slimak L et al. (2018). Comment on “U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art.” Science. 361(6408). Slon V et al. (2018). “The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father.” Nature. 561(7721):113-116. Steele J et al. (2013). “Comparative morphology of the hominin and African ape hyoid bone, a possible marker of the evolution of speech.” Hum Biol. 85(5):639-72. Wolf AB & Akey JM. (2018). “Outstanding questions in the study of archaic hominin admixture.” PLoS Genet. 14(5):e1007349.
Your Neanderthal test results Neanderthal Less Back Hair You do not have this Neanderthal allele, you have the modern human variant. rs4849721GG Neanderthal Height. Shorter You do not have this Neanderthal allele, you have the modern human variant. rs7544462AA Neanderthal You do not have this Neanderthal allele, you have the modern human variant. rs12416000GG Your sense of direction You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs1364405GG Your fear of heights You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs13097409AA Your fear of heights You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs1566479TT Your propensity to sweat more during exercise You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs4849721GG Your propensity to sneeze after eating dark chocolate You possess the human copies from both of your parents and do not have the associated Neanderthal marker for this trait. rs11213819CC Neanderthal Straight Hair no call rs12458349: Your genome file does not contain the SNP for this marker so your result is a no call. Neanderthal Height. Taller no call rs1877547: Your genome file does not contain the SNP for this marker so your result is a no call. SHOW/HIDE REFERENCES References: Arensburg B et al. (1989). “A Middle Palaeolithic human hyoid bone.” Nature. 338(6218):758-60. Arensburg B et al. (1990). “A reappraisal of the anatomical basis for speech in Middle Palaeolithic hominids.” Am J Phys Anthropol. 83(2):137-46. Arensburg B & Tillier AM. (1991). “Speech and the Neanderthals.” Endeavour. 15(1):26-8. Arsuaga JL et al. (2014). “Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos.” Science. 344(6190):1358-63. Balter M. (2014). “Paleoanthropology. RIP for a key Homo species?” Science. 345(6193):129. Barney A et al. (2012). “Articulatory capacity of Neanderthals, a very recent and human-like fossil hominin.” Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.367(1585):88-102. Capasso L et al. (2008). “A Homo erectus hyoid bone: possible implications for the origin of the human capability for speech.” Coll Antropol. 32(4):1007-11. Curnoe D et al. (2015). “A Hominin Femur with Archaic Affinities from the Late Pleistocene of Southwest China.” PLoS One. 10(12):e0143332. D’Anastasio R et al. (2013). “Micro-biomechanics of the Kebara 2 hyoid and its implications for speech in Neanderthals.” PLoS One. 8(12):e82261. Dannermann M & Kelso J. (2017). “The Contribution of Neanderthals to Phenotypic Variation in Modern Humans.” Am J Hum Genet. 101(4):578-589. Gibbons A. (2014). “Human evolution. Oldest Homo sapiens genome pinpoints Neandertal input.” Science. 343(6178):1417. Glantz M et al. (2008). “New hominin remains from Uzbekistan.” J Hum Evol. 55(2):223-37. Harris K & Nielsen R. (2016). “The Genetic Cost of Neanderthal Introgression.” Genetics. 203(2):881-91. Higham T et al. (2014). “The timing and spatiotemporal patterning of Neanderthal disappearance.” Nature. 512(7514):306-9. Hoffman DL et al. (2018). U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art. Science. 359(6378):912-915. Hoffman DL et al (2018). Response to Comment on “U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art.” Science. 362(6411). Jaubert J et al. (2016). “Early Neanderthal constructions deep in Bruniquel Cave in southwestern France.” Nature. 534(7605):111-4. Juric I et al. (2016). “The Strength of Selection against Neanderthal Introgression.” PLoS Genet. 12(11):e1006340. Krause J et al. (2007). “The derived FOXP2 variant of modern humans was shared with Neandertals.” Curr Biol. 17(21):1908-12. Lai CS et al. (2001). “A forkhead-domain gene is mutated in a severe speech and language disorder.” Nature. 413(6855):519-23. Martínez I et al. (2008). “Human hyoid bones from the middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain).” J Hum Evol. 54(1):118-24. Mayell H. (2005). “Oldest Human Fossils Identified.” National Geographic News. (Website). McDougall I et al. (2005). “Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia.” Nature. 433(7027):733-6. Medez FL et al. (2016). “The Divergence of Neandertal and Modern Human Y Chromosomes.” Am J Hum Genet. 98(4):728-34. Meyer M et al. (2012). “A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual.” Science. 338(6104):222-6. Meyer M et al. (2016). “Nuclear DNA Sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos Hominins.” Nature. 531:504-7. Mondal M et al. (2019). “Approximate Bayesian computation with deep learning supports a third archaic introgression in Asia and Oceania.” Nat Commun. 10(1):246. Pääbo S. (1985). “Molecular cloning of Ancient Egyptian mummy DNA.” Nature. 314(6012):644-5. Pike AW et al. (2012). “U-series dating of Paleolithic art in 11 caves in Spain.” Science. 336(6087):1409-13. Prüfer K et al. (2014). “The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains.” Nature. 505(7481):43-9. Radovčić D et al. (2015). “Evidence for Neandertal jewelry: modified white-tailed eagle claws at Krapina.” PLoS One. 10(3):e0119802. Reich D et al. (2010). “Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberia.” Nature. 468(7327):1053-60. Sankararaman S et al. (2014). “The genomic landscape of Neanderthal ancestry in present-day humans.” Nature. 507(7492):354-7. Sankararaman S et al. (2016). “The Combined Landscape of Denisovan and Neanderthal Ancestry in Present-Day Humans.” Curr Biol. 26(9):1241-7. Sharbrough J et al. (2017). “The Mitonuclear Dimension of Neanderthal and Denisovan Ancestry in Modern Human Genomes.” Genome Biol Evol. 9(6):1567-1581. Slimak L et al. (2018). Comment on “U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art.” Science. 361(6408). Slon V et al. (2018). “The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father.” Nature. 561(7721):113-116. Steele J et al. (2013). “Comparative morphology of the hominin and African ape hyoid bone, a possible marker of the evolution of speech.” Hum Biol. 85(5):639-72. Wolf AB & Akey JM. (2018). “Outstanding questions in the study of archaic hominin admixture.” PLoS Genet. 14(5):e1007349.