Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing
#from:DONote #from:Note3 #from:phablet #_add-focus #bulk_browser_tabs #_inbox #_dump #$dump #pub
Proper good freemium. Their pricing page says it's a lot more limited than it actually is. You aren't just limited to Windows Vista (prob a mistake now for Windows 7 or more) and IE11. Can do Windows 7 and Chrome at least. #SaaS #browser_automation #copy_future_maybe #dev #freemium #ideas #selenium #trial #web_automation #$kippt_bookmark_lists #best_of #pub
Proper good freemium. Their pricing page says it's a lot more limited than it actually is. You aren't just limited to Windows Vista (prob a mistake now for Windows 7 or more) and IE11. Can do Windows 7 and Chrome at least. #SaaS #browser_automation #copy_future_maybe #dev #freemium #ideas #selenium #trial #web_automation #$kippt_bookmark_lists #best_of #pub
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