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About - the Octodon
"hello this is my 'general purpose' instance, hosted in europe. i made it in 2017 to have a good and stable space for myself in the fediverse, and welcome everyone who felt safer here. a feminist, anarchist, communist, cyberpunk culture and many trans and queer people, often with tech or scientific interests. "I'm not Twitter, I'll fuck up nazis, transphobes and bullies for fun". registrations are closed because unlimited growth is not sustainable and octodon is already pretty big, but members can share invites. i want to make it very clear that being on here is a privilege. the fediverse is our sea, and the octodon is a tight ship. (it or they) if you're a part of it, i will fight for you and by your side. if you betray me, you will be thrown overboard. you will practice or support no transphobia, no homophobia, no misogyny, no ableism, no eugenics, no racism, no classism, etc. all cops are bastards, all terves must die alone, all nazis shall be skinned first." #leftists