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Welcome to!

The best tool to create personalized lists for shows and movies with an absurd amount of filters available, for your ultimate PLEX server setup!

Filtering perfection

Build your filters to perfection!

With the absurd amount of filters, and the possibility to create groups, link groups by OR or AND operators, or even nest multiple groups, you can truly define the list of your dreams!

Filter by streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, HBO, or Disney+

Filter by Ratings and the amount of votes

Create lists that exclusively contain Anime

Filter by age ratings to create lists for kids or adults

Filter by cast or crew of a show or movie

Filter by production company or country

Automated updates and more

Every list you create gets updated completely automated!

You never have to worry about missing any new show or movie in your lists. They get updated completely automated without the need to do anything manually.

Donors benefit from some extras. You can see a few of the donor perks here:

List updates every 3 instead of 24 hours

Create lists by IMDB or TMDB Ids

You can create even more lists

Unlimited amount of items in a list

Discord benefits

Community driven

The community decides about new features and the general direction of

This project is driven by the awesome ideas of our community.

The project is also funded entirely through donations of awesome people inside our community. Check out our discord for joining us.

You decide about new features

You decide about new integrations

You decide about the priority of features, integrations and bugs is entirely funded by the community


Well documented integrations into multiple services

We want you to get the most out of Therefore we document our integrations, so it is easier for you to use them.

Import your lists into Sonarr

Import your lists into Radarr

Share lists with people so they can copy and adapt them

We offer an API for developers

More to come ...