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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Right Wing HOG asks Harvard Students who are they voting for… and Gets DESTROYED | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: 06/06/2024 Stream

Hasanabi or Hasan Piker, is a Turkish American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He frequently covers the news and recent political changes from a socialist perspective. He occasionally also plays a wide variety of games, reacts to the latest non political news and checks his own community's memes on his subreddit.

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#hasanabi #twitch #comedy #clips #hasanreactstoo #highlights #hasanpiker #hasandaiy #politics #fundraiser #fundraising #creatorsforpalestine #hasanabidaily #hasnabiclips #hasanabidaily

#harvard #students #rightwing #elections #elections2024 #bidenvstrump. | Published at: June 6, 2024 at 11:11PM.

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