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"Pushalot is a platform for receiving custom push notifications to connected devices running Windows Phone or Windows 8. Custom means that those push notifications can be sent from virtually any source, as long as that source can interact with our open REST API." #push #toast #notifications #APIs #windows_phone #free #unification #$kippt_bookmark_lists #active_development_suspect #push_notifications #services #API_driven #dead? #pub
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Uhm. They seem to have pivoted without even saying so. Like they don't seem to be saying it very well if at all on the blog... #dead? #website_logging #tracking #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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Notifico is an open-source replacement for the now-defunct service. Notifico receives messages from services and scripts and delivers them to IRC channels. #$kippt_bookmark_lists #%on_github #active_development_suspect #free #push_notifications #services #API_driven #APIs #push #dead? #web_apps #pub
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#aggregated_cloud #aggregated_cloud_search #SaaS #dead? #pub
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#dashboards #aggregated_cloud #SaaS #startups #dead? #pub
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