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Hasn't been updated since 2008 or 2009, but not like Transmit is fast anyhow. Of course Expandrive is much better at this point as it doesn't depend on MacFUSE (unlike MacFusion), but a _free as in speech_ alternative for Mac OS X is never a bad thing :) #development #sysadmin #unix #server #ssh #ftp #mount #pub
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ForkLift 3
#sftp #mac #apps #file_managing #file_transferring #files #ftp #S3 #object_storage_service #paid #K #trial #pub
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Transmit 5
#S3 #apps #file_managing #file_transferring #files #ftp #mac #object_storage_service #sftp #paid #K #pub
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It seems pretty feature rich. Redditors use it but have some concerns. UPDATE: Hm, what are the concerns? It's still up, clearly. Seems really interesting. #syncing #cloud #file_syncing_cloud_apps #ftp #sftp #trial #paid #desktop_apps #cross-platform #headless #best_of #pub
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