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More detailed list view of Github repos any user is watching. #inspiration #github #development #interesting #pub
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Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby. It features syntax highlighting, a flexible plugin architecture, runtime invocation and source and documentation browsing. #ruby #cli #code #interesting #shell #github #pub
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Just something that may be interesting to grok. #ruby #code #a #sync #project #management #pr0n #github #pub
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Basecamp project overview tool. Stages is an attempt at providing a new visual method for managing milestones on Basecamp. We aim to give quick visual feedback without falling into a GANTT like waterfall. #basecamp #tool #code #php #github #management #pr0n #productivity #pub
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Userscript for Basecamp Classic. - Colour codes specified keywords in to-do items - (To-do overview only) Expand/Collapse project to-do lists - (To-do overview only) Adds quick links to project timesheet and to-do item comment pages #basecamp #classic #github #code #javascript #userscript #enhancement #hack #tweak #management #pr0n #pub
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Post commit allows you to notify several services with a simple and elegant DSL. Five services are supported for now: Basecamp, Campfire, FriendFeed, LightHouse and Twitter. Also can send to any other [arbitrary] url that accepts the POST data even if you need to be authenticated #interesting #development #commit #sync #post #dsl #push #code #github #opensource #api #ruby #gem #pub
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Basecamp command line tools #javascript #cli #basecamp #extension #code #opensource #github #management #pr0n #pub
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A small userscript for Greasemonkey and Chrome to display the todo lists in a more organized tabbed way in the basecamp todo list view. By default the categories are "Frontend", "Backend", "Gestaltung", "System", edit the script to use custom categories. #basecamp #hack #tweak #management #opensource #github #userscript #javascript #pr0n #code #pub
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A simple Chrome usability extension that makes Basecamp a bit more usable. #a #logging #project #management #basecamp #github #extension #tweak #hack #code #opensource #javascript #pr0n #userscript #pub
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Basecamp is missing the ability to assign an effort value to to-do items and then provide the sum total effort of all tasks in a list. If you are on an agile team, then knowing the relative size of a task and the sum total of a group of tasks helps when planning the work to be performed in an upcoming iteration (sprint) or the total effort remaining in a backlog of tasks. This userscript adds that functionality. #agile #basecamp #development #pr0n #hack #tweak #extension #github #opensource #code #a #logging #project #javascript #userscript #pub
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dotjs is a Google Chrome extension that executes JavaScript files in ~/.js based on their filename basically like greasemonkey, but easier/better to use #development #interesting #github #code #javascript #userscript #browser #extension #chrome #web #pub
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Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps. Currently, Vegas just includes a single class Vegas::Runner which wraps your Sinatra app to give it command line options, daemon-ization, PID/URL tracking, and browser launching. #sinatra #cli #executable #ruby #rack #code #development #interesting #github #opensource #backend #pub
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Taskwarrior-web by theunraveler
A Sinatra-based web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application. Because being a neckbeard is only fun sometimes. The current featureset includes: - Viewing tasks (duh) sorted and grouped in various ways - Creating a new task with a due date, project, and tags - task-web will pull your task config (from .taskrc) and determine date formatting/marking upcoming tasks as "due" - gets dock badge showing number of pending tasks. - Optional Basic HTTP Auth protection #interesting #productivity #taskwarrior #cli #ruby #sinatra #http #code #opensource #github #pr0n #management #task #fun #pub
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Gives the terminal a GUI-ish interface. Cool. #development #badass #interesting #cool #code #opensource #github #cli #terminal #pub
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"github-asana is a little web server written in node.js / express.js that integrates GitHub with Asana (the project management app). The server listens for GitHub Post-Receive Hooks, and sends commit messages as comments in Asana Tasks." #asana #github #Hook #node #javascript #commit #integration #add-on #pub
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"Asana Command-Line Client" "Command-line client for viewing, adding, and completing tasks in Asana. Whenever you mention a workspace, project, or user, you don't need to use the entire word. For example, you can use "projects" to refer to a workspace called "Personal Projects" or "@tommy" to refer to a user named "Tommy MacWilliam". As long as what you supply is contained within the full workspace/project/user name on Asana, the client will figure out what you mean." #asana #github #repo #code #open_source #ruby #task_management #pub
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"Command line for Asana" _Not updated or committed to a lot in some time_ #asana #github #repo #code #open_source #ruby #task_management #pub
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"This gem is a simple Ruby wrapper for the Asana REST API. It uses ActiveResource to provide a simple, familiar interface for accessing your Asana account." #open_source #code #github #repo #ruby #asana #task_management #pub
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"This gem is a simple Ruby wrapper for the Asana REST API. It's based on Ryan Bright's asana gem but it handles a few things differently and it supports more API calls, such as tag handling. It uses ActiveResource to provide a simple, familiar interface for accessing your Asana account." #open_source #code #github #repo #ruby #asana #task_management #pub
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"Shows you only the most important task to be working on right now. Powered by Asana." #open_source #code #github #repo #ruby #asana #task_management #pub
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