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Free for 5K row, $10/mo for 100K rows and 3 year history

#alternatives #databases #open_source #airtable_alternatives #SaaS #freemium #spreadsheets

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#alternatives #freemium #open_source #airtable_alternatives #SaaS #databases

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Alternative to for scrobbling. The primary issue is likely that Spotify apps wouldnt be able to be used any more. Not easy to scrobble on mobile devices

#alternatives #open_source #self-hosted #music #scrobbling

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Home Assistant

"orks with over 1000 brands

Home Assistant integrates with over a thousand different devices and services.

Once started, Home Assistant will automatically scan your network for known devices and allow you to easily set them up.


Powerful automations

Once you have integrated all your devices at home, you can unleash Home Assistant’s advanced automation engine to make your home work for you.

Turn on the light when the sun sets or when coming home

Alert you when you leave your garage door open.


Extend your system with add-ons

Home Assistant is not just limited to Home Assistant. Easily install other applications that will help you manage your home.

Run AdGuard, a DNS-based ad blocker

Run third party automation engines like NodeRed

Turn Home Assistant into a Spotify Connect target"

#integrations #automation #servers #communities #home_automation #diy #open_source #self-hosted #community_driven

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#cross-platform #rust #desktop_apps_3_major_OSes #best_of #discord #open_source #free

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Only $25/mo for "everything". It's probably largely junk, but will see

#cheap #open_source

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#local_tunnel #SaaS #open_source #freemium

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Stability AI

#open_source #AI

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#AI #freemium #open_source #%on_github #generative_voice_ai #SaaS

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"Software Development, and Freedom! Codeberg is a collaboration platform and Git hosting for Free and Open Source Software, content and projects." #gitea #open_source #dev
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#free #YouTube #3rd_party_clients #open_source #twitch #%on_github #home_pages
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#twitch #YouTube #%on_github #home_pages #3rd_party_clients #free #open_source
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Someone said they use this for logs. This doesn't include your own comments right? Where is the data stored? There would be work/automation to retrieve all your own chat messages + timestamps + the channel. Hasan log files or databases would get huge too. I guess that wasn't a problem with IRC logs. #free #open_source #%on_github #3rd_party_clients #twitch
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Free if self hosting #SaaS #startups #funded #dev #unique_spin #freemium #self_hosted #open_source
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A free HTML5 app to take the pain out of transcribing interviews. Useful for journalists, academics and anyone else transcribing audio. And it's open source, too. #via:pins #note_taking #transcribe #YouTube #open_source #building_a_second_brain #geeky
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#via:pins #SaaS #dev #search_engines #paid #open_source #freemium
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Is able to do a ton of different feeds. Unfortunately it appears to be more of a client. The client itself is not a good look. So if it can’t have a different frontend. This sort of sucks. It also isn’t updated enough and was never properly completed. #best_of #feed_readers #in-depth #expansive_features #recommendations_from_hn #self-hosted #%on_github #open_source
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Programming Fonts - Test Drive
"110 Programming Fonts Test drive all the programming fonts!" #open_source #%on_github #dev #fonts #geeky #fun
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Appears to be desktop only. Signaling they are a Newton alt and sucessor of sorts. -- "Powerful template support Rich contact profiles Follow-up reminders Read receipts Link tracking Send later Company overviews Snooze messages Actionable mailbox insights ...and much more!" -- For me, the depth of the read receipts and link tracking are most important. Most other stuff -- eh. It's desktop only any way. #mail #%homebrew_casks #electron_based #%github #best_of #desktop_apps_3_major_OSes #feature_rich #open_source #freemium #B2C #doesnt_look_like_electron #SaaS #B2P
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NetNewsWire is a free and open source RSS reader for Mac. #via:pins #feed_readers #iOS_apps #mac_apps #integrations #aggregated_cloud #free #open_source #twitter_feeds
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