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Bring your own code, and run CPU, GPU, and data-intensive compute at scale. The serverless platform for AI and data teams. Seems cheap enough with $30 credits monthly

#dev #python #serverless #freemium

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Tool for automated TikTok interactions. Contribute to sudoguy/tiktokpy development by creating an account on GitHub.

#playwright #python #dev #tiktok #APIs #bots #interactions

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4 years since updates

#playwright #python #dev #tiktok #APIs

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The Unofficial TikTok API Wrapper In Python. Contribute to davidteather/TikTok-Api development by creating an account on GitHub.

#dev #tiktok #APIs #private-apis #playwright #python #best_of

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Learn how to scrape TikTok comments with our easy step-by-step tutorial. Use Crawlbase free requests to scrape TikTok comments for free. Tagged with tiktok, webscraping, datascraping, python.

#dev #scraping #python #SaaS #tiktok #user_generated_content

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"Got an app or service, and you want to enable your users to use notifications with their provider of choice? Working on a script and you want to receive notification based on its output? You don't need to implement a solution yourself, or use individual provider libs. A one stop shop for all notification providers with a unified and simple interface. Supported providers Pushover, SimplePush, Slack, Gmail, Email (SMTP), Telegram, Gitter, Pushbullet, Join, Zulip, Twilio, Pagerduty, Mailgun, PopcornNotify,, iCloud, VictorOps (Splunk)" #dev #python #push_notifications
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“pipx — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments" #python #pip #dev #cli #coachable #career
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Stochastic Technologies
Makers/Developers of web apps like and Dead Man's Switch. They make a few other apps as well. They seem to code in Python. #company #developer #historious #code #inspiration #python #pub
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"Open source source control management system for Mercurial and GIT with code-reviews, built in push/pull server, LDAP/AD, permissions system and full text search." Built with Python #python #open_source #version_control #management #Software #development #pub
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"Marky is simple Django app that provides a single view and template for live editing Markdown documents. Copy in existing Markdown into the textarea or just start typing to see how the document will be rendered." #python #Django #markdown #geeky #pub
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"GoogleVoiceNotify polls the Google Voice XML pages (, and sends notifications to any number of registered listeners. At the moment, the Notifier only supports SMS notifications, but adding voicemail, missed calls, etc, is just a matter of writing scrapers for those as well." _Host locally_ #personal #google_voice #push #notifications #open_source #python #pub
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Syte by rigoneri
"Syte is a really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr,, SoundCloud and Bitbucket." #life_stream #web_2.0 #python #django #javascript #open_source #repo #github #pub
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repowatcher : home
Scrapes (well uses API only probably) Github and provides info. #open_source #python #Django #github #scraping_api_driven #idea #copy #pub
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"jrnl jrnl is a simple journal application for your command line. Journals are stored as human readable plain text files - you can put them into a Dropbox folder for instant syncing and you can be assured that your journal will still be readable in 2050, when all your fancy iPad journal applications will long be forgotten. jrnl also plays nice with the fabulous DayOne and can read and write directly from and to DayOne Journals." #Day_One #journaling #cli #open_source #plain_text #Writing #mindfulness #introspection #ideas #code #@to_do #python #pub
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"ABOUT is a prototype political news aggregation, clustering and ranking engine underlined letters in the menu are keyboard shortcuts seeks to be advertising free however inquiries about institutional sponsorship are welcome contact: thomas.griffiths on the University of Vienna email system (" #potential_contact #text_aggregators #python #closed_source #pub
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"Backup and restore your gmail account at will." #bootstrap_layout #gmail #imap #open_source #free #desktop_apps #Mac #Windows #python #cli #backups #email #pub
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Syte by rigoneri
"Syte is a really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr, Wordpress,, SoundCloud, Bitbucket, StackOverflow, Flickr and Steam. You can see it in action on my personal site." #aggregation #life_aggregation #web_2.0 #open_source #javascript #python #pub
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"#4: My hack to visit Facebook only once a day Only once a day. I changed my password to something long and random, and I made a program that will store it, and only give it to you once a day. Here's how it works: Set your password The program will encrypt it and store to the disk (~/.once) If you ask for the password, it'll copy it to the clipboard (But only once a day!) You log in to Facebook, use it, then log out. Of course there are ways to go around this, but for me, it's just not worth the effort. So this solution works pretty great. Question for you: If you use Mac, would you buy an app to manage this process? It would handle multiple websites, and you could set how many times a day you can use the website... It would be priced at $2.99." "(Clipboard works only on a Mac, but feel free to fork.)" #discipline #moderation #distractions #code #scripts #python #remove_temptations #work_ethics #pub
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