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"Zyte API

Solve Bans and Extract Data

Highest success rate, fastest response times

A single AI-powered platform for unblocking and extraction

Built-in industry compliance standards

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Managed Data Extraction

Get Data Delivered

Work with the best and fastest delivery team in the world

Use our world-class legal team for compliance peace of mind

99.99% data accuracy rate"

#scraping #dev #SaaS #crawling

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"xPath plugin to auto generate, write and verify xpath & cssSelector.

SelectorsHub is a xpath plugin and cssSelector plugin.

It can be used as smart editor to write and verify xpath, cssSelector, Playwright selectors, jQuery and JS Path. SelectorsHub can also be used to auto generate the unique #xpath, css Selector and all possible selectors. -- Selectors path too

#dev #crawling #scraping #headless #extensions #chrome_extensions #XPath #selectors

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Claims to be whitehat and that is what we see, but this blog is filled with not so whitehat gold [for a non-blackhat[er] [Ruby] [programmer]] #whitehat #masquerading #blackhat #automation #screen #scraping #testing #automated #generate #data #blog #watir #pub
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It's Selenium! #selenium #automation #web #testing #masquerading #blackhat #whitehat #server #api #scraping #screen #data #pub
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This site is just scraping which always seems to be at the top of Google rankings for phone number searches #blackhat #automation #scraping #steal #content #web #2.0 #user #generated #pub
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"Returns the most important pieces of content on a web page. Finds the best block of text, image and title by analysing the page content." #readability #parse #scraping #pub
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"40+ channels on various subjects and latest trends top ranked stories from trusted sources based on popularity and quality sign in with twitter and choose your channels" "In-A-Gist algorithmically curates tweets based on popularity in real-time. We collate tweets on the same topic and this page is built from such curated tweets. We keep refreshing this page as and when we find popular tweets on topics mentioned in the tweet. They are presented in the "Related Tweets" section." #twitter #API #scraping #idea #pub
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From Skype HN chat #bootstrap_layout #coupons #deals #aggregation #automation #scraping #idea #copy #pub
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"Retrieve full-text mobile-optimized JSON-encoded articles from a RSS feed" _It uses the API. Not sure how much of the app is just a wrapper of that and how much is actually legit coding_ #scraping #closed_source #simple #RSS #feeds #web_tools #pub
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"A feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan: it dominates and eats all." #ruby #open_source #scraping #feeds #automation #pub
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"Feedbag is a Ruby library for the auto-discovery of syndicated feeds (RSS/Atom)." _Give it a url and it'll try finding the feed for the site_ #gems #ruby #open_source #parsing #scraping #automation #feeds #pub
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