Public Notes
WatirMelon | A 93% Watir Based Blog by Alister Scott
Claims to be whitehat and that is what we see, but this blog is filled with not so whitehat gold [for a non-blackhat[er] [Ruby] [programmer]]
#whitehat #masquerading #blackhat #automation #screen #scraping #testing #automated #generate #data #blog #watir #pub
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Selenium - Web Browser Automation
It's Selenium!
#selenium #automation #web #testing #masquerading #blackhat #whitehat #server #api #scraping #screen #data #pub
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#Watir #Selenium #IDEs #freemium #RSpec #testing #TestWise #automation #web_automation #recorders #pub
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"RWebSpec wraps the popular web testing framework WATIR with RSpec Syntax to provide better easy to read automated web test cases. By using TestWise/Watir recorder, the RWebSpec test scripts can be recorded in Firefox. TestWise, The Next-Generation Functional Testing IDE, makes editing/executing test cases with ease."
#testing #RSpec #Watir #TestWise #web_automation #Ruby #pub
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Opera Mobile Emulator
"Do your mobile development straight from your desktop, and pair it with Opera Dragonfly for advanced debugging."
#mobile #web #testing #desktop #app #opensource #download #free #design #pub
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Apache JMeter - Apache JMeter™
"Apache JMeter may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (files, Servlets, Perl scripts, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers and more). It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types. You can use it to make a graphical analysis of performance or to test your server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load."
Could see if .htaccess file is slowing you down or not
#web #server #tool #testing #benchmarking #pub
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Welcome to jsFiddle’s documentation — jsFiddle 0.5a2 documentation
"JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. One can use it as an online editor for snippets build from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc. Using this approach, JavaScript developers can very easily isolate bugs. We aim to support all actively developed frameworks - it helps with testing compatibility."
#javascript #editor #web_development #testing #pub
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Create a new Fiddle - jsFiddle
"JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. One can use it as an online editor for snippets build from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc. Using this approach, JavaScript developers can very easily isolate bugs. We aim to support all actively developed frameworks - it helps with testing compatibility."
#javascript #editor #web_development #testing #pub
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mattheworiordan/capybara-screenshot · GitHub
"Using this gem, whenever a Capybara test in Cucumber, Rspec or Minitest fails, the HTML for the failed page and a screenshot (when using capybara-webkit, Selenium or poltergeist) is saved into $APPLICATION_ROOT/tmp/capybara. This is a huge help when trying to diagnose a problem in your failing steps as you can view the source code and potentially how the page looked at the time of the failure." _Can also have it run manually on demand_
##dynamic_screen_scraping #screenshots #project #capybara #phantomjs #ruby #javascript #testing #@to_do #pub
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bblimke/webmock · GitHub
"Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby." _Oh man I could've really used this_
#ruby #fake #testing #requests #pub
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chrisk/fakeweb · GitHub
"FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, without modifying code or writing extensive stubs."
#ruby #fake #testing #requests #pub
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jubos/fake-s3 · GitHub
"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to.
It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars."
#ruby #gems #requests #fake #testing #Sandbox #pub
"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #amazon #S3 #ruby #gem #web #development #testing #pub
"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #amazon #S3 #ruby #gem #web #development #testing #pub
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inlineblock/teabag · GitHub
"Teabag is a Javascript test runner built on top of Rails. It can run tests in the browser, or headlessly using PhantomJS or with Selenium WebDriver.
It's objective is to be the simplest, while also being the most complete Javascript testing solution for Rails. It takes full advantage of the asset pipeline and ships with support for Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit, and (experiementally) Angular.
Ok, another Javascript test runner, right? Really? Yeah, that's tough, but we're pretty confident Teabag is one of the nicest and most full featured you'll find at the moment. And if you disagree, let us know and we'll probably fix whatever it is that you didn't like.
Feedback, ideas and pull requests are always welcome, or you can hit us up on Twitter @modeset_.
If you'd like to use Teabag with Guard, check out the guard-teabag project."
#github #repos #stars #Javascript #testing #headless #rails #ruby #phantomjs #webdrivers #pub
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#SaaS #pricey #ideas #testing #B2B #pub
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Laika - testing framework for meteor
"is a feature rich testing framework for meteor. With laika you can simply
write test with interacting with both server and client(s)"
#from:Windows_Phone #Javascript #frameworks #testing #user_testing #pub
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"While few people deny the benefits of test automation, comprehensive automated testing via UI (browser for web applications) is rarely implemented in software projects. Common reasons for projects' failed attempts on test automation are:
Difficult to learn - test scripts are complex and testing tools are not easy to use
Hard to maintain - UI tests are vulnerable to application changes
Long feedback loop - automated tests take too long to run
To succeed in automated testing via UI, software projects need to overcome all these 3 chellenges.
This book (7 free chapters) presents a practical approach to implementing test automation for web applications. Topics include:
Developing easy to read and maintain Watir/Selenium tests using next-generation functional testing tool
Page object model
Functional Testing Refactorings
Cross-browser testing against IE, Firefox and Chrome
Setting up continuous testing server to manage execution of a large number of automated UI tests
Requirement traceability matrix
Strategies on team collaboration and test automation adoption in projects and organizations
To help readers learn more effectively, the book has a dedicated site containing the following resources:"
#Watir #ebooks #paid #@to_get #web_automation #testing #pub
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Practical Web Test Automation
"While few people deny the benefits of test automation, comprehensive automated testing via UI (browser for web applications) is rarely implemented in software projects. Common reasons for projects' failed attempts on test automation are:
Difficult to learn - test scripts are complex and testing tools are not easy to use
Hard to maintain - UI tests are vulnerable to application changes
Long feedback loop - automated tests take too long to run
To succeed in automated testing via UI, software projects need to overcome all these 3 chellenges.
This book (7 free chapters) presents a practical approach to implementing test automation for web applications. Topics include:
Developing easy to read and maintain Watir/Selenium tests using next-generation functional testing tool
Page object model
Functional Testing Refactorings
Cross-browser testing against IE, Firefox and Chrome
Setting up continuous testing server to manage execution of a large number of automated UI tests
Requirement traceability matrix
Strategies on team collaboration and test automation adoption in projects and organizations
To help readers learn more effectively, the book has a dedicated site containing the following resources:"
#Watir #ebooks #paid #@to_get #web_automation #testing #pub
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#DNA #genes #paid #testing #medicine #pub
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#DNA #genes #paid #testing #medicine #products #pub
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OptimizationRobot - Better Conversions While you Sleep
Use our auto-optimizing Headlines & Call to Action Buttons
to get the most conversions per visitor possible."
"Want To Get Fewer Bounces and More Clicks?
Take 5 minutes to add our auto-optimizing Call to Action buttons and Headlines to your site.
Get emailed reports of how we're making it convert better for you."
Sites that would like to increase conversions without spending hundreds of hours on implementing, managing and calculating tests.
A service that will help you extract the maximum number of clicks on Call to Action Buttons (and soon) other web components like pricing tables and email signup forms.
Minutes, as simple as getting Google Analytics working. You include one Javascript file and then replace your current Call to Action button with our HTML button snippet.
We've previously built systems that attempted to add this functionality and it was always a huge pain for everyone involved. We wanted to solve this for ourselves and thought others might benefit as well."
#SaaS #free #startups #optimization #automation #content_testing #testing #Rails #pub
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Is It Down Right Now? Website Down or Not?
This site is better than the others that check if a site is up or down because it shows some recent history of whether the site has been up or down.
#tools #web_apps #servers #utilities #testing #sysadmin #$regular_usage #!pinned #ideas #copycopy #pub
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"Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites.
It uses the powerful Selenium WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements."
#automation #browser_based #javascript #nodejs #selenium #testing #pub
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